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"go ahead and get some rest Tanya damn." Deek said taking Sue. I went inside the room and turned on the tv on and got comfortable.
after a minute I finally fell asleep.

around 3 i woke up to Deek wrapping his arms around me. i turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"she just went to sleep?" i asked.
"nah i fell asleep on the couch accidentally. go back to sleep." he said kissing me. i turned around and got comfortable under his embrace and fell right back to sleep.

next morning
i woke up to Sue slapping me in my face.
"yes Sue Sue." i said kissing her. i turned around and Deek was laying smiling.

"you hungry?" i asked Deek as I began to breast feed Sue.
"yeah little bit want me to cook?" he asked.
"no its okay." i got up and bounced her while walking. i went inside the kitchen and Deek came trailing right behind me.

"never mind i made up my mind ill do it i dont want you doing both chill out." he said. i rolled my eyes and sat at the island.

"so we mind as well start packing we moving soon." he said.
"deek we dont even have a house down there." i said rolling my eyes.
"yes we do i bought the house and got the keys the other day." he said making me smile.
"when ya man making moves." i said kissing him. he smiled and i answered the house phone because it started ringing.

"hey T. how you feeling boo? how's my niecey?" Sadeeah asked.
"hey, Im good your little niece is chilling she okay for now. whats up?" i asked sitting back at the island after putting Sue in her high chair.
"nothing just checking up I'll come by either today or another day this week." she said. i agreed and hung up. Deek finished the food. he made waffles, turkey bacon and eggs.

we sat down and started eating right away.
i would love to be at work but i need to take care of my sue sue. she's only about 4 and a half weeks now. after we ate i picked her up and went to wipe her down before putting on a onesie.

Deek came up and took her while I showered and got ready. after i got out i brushed my teeth and put on lotion. i went to get dressed inside of a blue fuzzy sweater, denim ripped jeans and lace up blue heels. i pulled my hair down and ran over it with the curling irons.

i picked Sue up and took her down stairs to pack her bag. i put her frozen bottles inside of a lunch bag that automatically keep it cold is the bag is frozen. i put her pacifier in her mouth and went back upstairs and sat her inside her bassinet while i finished packing her bags.

After i packed her bag Deek was ready and we headed out. Deeky looked nice he had on a white polo shirt with denim jeans and white high top air forces. he put Sue inside of the back and strapped the carseat and got in.

"you look nice sweetie." i said kissing him.
"thank you baby."

he turned on some Lil Uzi as we cruised to Sue's appointment. "I cant wait till next week to get my body back." I said sitting back.

"its nothing wrong T for real yeah you got yhe baby belly but i mean most women get it." Deek said.
"i know but still i just i dont know." we pulled up at the doctor's and got out.
Deek got her seat and we walked inside. I signed her in and did some of her insurance and stuff and sat down to chill with them until we got called back.

when i sat back down Deek and Sue were at the fish tank watching the fish. i smiled and sat back while we waited to be called.

After 5 minutes we heard, "Suehaillah-Amor Mitchell," being called by the nurse.

we got her bags and stuff and went to the back with the nurse.
"okay so i want to weigh her and get her height and everything so can you undress her into her onesie please." she asked. i nodded and started undressing her. she went crazy, she started crying as soon as the nurse picked her up and took her to get weighed and stuff.

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