Unreturned love

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A/N This is only fiction and I only wrote this, out of pure curiosity and it's not something I imagine everyday. I just wanted to try it out and see how the product ended out like. I have no intention in doing something like self harm. I have no need to do that and have no intention in doing it. Just wanted to let you know that. Hope you enjoy reading it :-)

"People say it will pass.

The pain will go away.

The hurt will disappear.

The scars will remain, but will fade.

The scars will vanish with time, but when is that time?

When will it all disappear and go away?

When will I get better?

When will my heart be unbroken?

Unreturned love is the worst part of my life"

Harry Styles

Harry's POV

I woke up this morning, like every other morning, by my annoying sister that screamed in my ear "HARRY WAKE UP. YOU HAVE SCHOOL". I growled "I'm up. Now go!" I heard the door slam shut. I rolled around in bed, trying to fall asleep again, but in vain. I got up, against my will, got dressed and walked downstairs. I made sure to cover up my wrists; I sat down at the kitchen table and ate the breakfast in front of me. When I was done, I put the bowl in the dishwasher. I found my phone in the living room and I put the headphones in. I put them in my ears and turned on a song. I grabbed my backpack, all packed and ready, and took my shoes on. I kissed my foster mom and my biological sister goodbye and yelled over the music in my headphones "goodbye have a nice day!” I walked out the door and began my daily walk for school. I couldn't wait for school and my bullies *sarcastic voice *. I hate my life. I get bullied every day. No one knows, except for Niall my best friend, and no one cares, again except Niall and maybe my family - scratch my family, my foster dad does horrible things to me and, because of me, only me - but the only one I want to care, Louis Tomlinson, is one of my bullies. I've been in love with him for years, but does he care about me? Not the slightest. Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention, I'm openly gay and proud of it, not, I came out by accident, but didn't deny it, why should I? There's no reason to. It would've come out someday anyway, so why wait?

I opened the school doors and got run over by a little blond boy. I dropped on my back and let out a little whine, when I did. I dropped my phone and backpack. I searched for my phone and let out my breath when I found it. I let it slip down in my pocket. "Niall you bloody blond! Be careful!" I yelled, while I was on my knees, collecting my schoolbooks. "Sorry mate. I was just happy you turned up today" he replied. I nodded, but I almost didn't turn up. It was only because of my annoying, but loving, big sister that I got up this morning. I got up on my feet and saw the most horrible, or beautiful, group of guys coming towards me. I got terrified and ran inside only to bump into the most beautiful boy ever. I panicked and tried to run past him, but someone grabbed my wrist and I whimpered, out of pain. I just cut that wrist last night, yeah I cut and so, and it was still sore. I was trying to get out of his grip, but he held it tight. I was still trying to figure out, why I was in love with him. We were best friends in secondary school, but that changed, when my parents got in an accident and died. He helped me through it, but suddenly he became distant and we lost contact. He moved and I got adopted with my sister, we said we wanted to stick together, 'either you take both of us or none of us' that's what we used to say. I closed my eyes and opened them slowly. I saw right into those sea green eyes, which were once filled with love and only love, filled with hate and disgust. What happened to him? He once couldn't be a second without me and now he was disgusted with me and he knew all along, that I was gay. What changed? I saw right into his eyes and I saw him staring into mine. I gulped and saw over his shoulder, that his 'gang' was coming towards us. I gave up fighting and just stood there with my wrist in his firm grip. I closed my eyes for a second and when I opened them, Bradford Bad Boi aka. Zayn Malik was standing right in front of me and Louis was now behind me and had his arms around my waist. Is it completely inappropriate that this situation turns me on? Is it? I would've guessed it was. I was about to get beaten up by my crush and his 'gang'. Zayn stared at me with hate and... was that regret, no way Bradford Bad Boi doesn't regret a thing, or does he? I need to think about that.  He let his hand ball into a fist and let it swing backwards, only to swing it forwards again and let it collide with my jaw. Louis tightened his grip on me to keep me standing and Zayn now punched my stomach. It's not something I've tried before, not at all *sarcastic voice*. He punched my jaw and stomach multiply times before "okay Bad Boi, that's enough" Louis said behind me and let go of me, only to see me fall on my knees and get on all four. I coughed and tried to catch my breath. "You should get that checked out... faggot. Or would you rather want him to do it again" he leaned down to my ear and whispered "you would like that wouldn't you? It turns you on to get beaten up every day. I bet your dad manhandles you and your pretty little ass every fucking night and that you like it. You little whore". He got up and left me speechless. He never said anything like that to me before. I looked around and saw that everyone was staring at me and was all untouched by the scene that was just unfolded right before their eyes. I got up on my knees and eventually on my feet. I looked around only to see that everything was back to normal, everyone was talking amongst themselves including the ' gang'. I turned around only to bump into a small blond boy. I was about to scream, but caught it in my throat. I gulped and looked in Niall's hands, my backpack. I let a smile creep on my lips "thanks mate" I said and I grabbed the backpack. I looked behind Niall and saw Liam, Niall's boyfriend. I waved at him and he got closer. Niall looked at me with a puzzled look, but caught it, when a couple of hands covered his eyes. "Guess who" said Liam, Niall hummed "Is it Santa?" I rolled my eyes "I know it's you, so drop the act" Niall said. Was he smarter than we thought? Probably. He got the hands away and before turning around he said "It's Liam Payne, my smart and beautiful boyfriend". He turned around and kissed Liam. I slowly backed away and into the men's room. I looked into the mirror. That's gonna leave some bruises. I laid my backpack on the ground and lifted my shirt; more bruises. Like I didn't have enough.

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