Addiction To Overeating

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Overeating; also known as gluttony.

Aah yes, the one that I'm sure a lot of people get trapped in.

Some people might not know that gluttony is a sin; I didn't know this either... until I went to a retreat.

I can relate. Eating was probably one of my favourite things to do in life; eating and sleeping. It was probably what you could say to describe me. I literally found that the only good thing in my life.

Are any of you thinking about how you can also relate to this?

I could eat my breakfast but still find room to eat another snack... just a couple minutes later. I would eat a snack every couple of minutes. I could be as full as a chimpanzee that ate an elephant (okay maybe I exaggerated a little. Okay maybe a lot, but, still...), but give me a few minutes and I'll be there chewing on yet another snack. I would unbutton my jeans if I have to, in public, just so that I can find some room for that ice cream sitting on the table; in all its glory.

Eat all you want buffets were probably another great excuse for me (maybe you guys too) to load myself up. Who could resist all of that food, eh? Although we can have as much food as we want there... we actually need to control ourselves.

When we overeat, we end up being too full and maybe even sick. We'll just feel like laying down in bed for the rest of the day.

When we stop eating all the time, we will actually be better at self control. It will be tempting, of course, but nearly everything in this world is tempting.

Stopping the addiction...

So, to stop your addiction with overeating/gluttony here are a couple of things you can do.

1) Eat less. Slowly, decrease the amount of food you take in each day. Maybe you can take out one of your 'snack times' each day.

2) Resist the temptation. It will certainly be hard to resist that chocolate cake, however, resisting such treats can help you have better self control. It doesn't have to be a dessert. It can be whenever, wherever. Even if its just a small snack, by resisting the urge to stuff the whole thing in your mouth; you will get better self control.

3) PRAY. Prayer helps a lot. You can pray to mamma (Mary) to pray for you. Jesus loves his mother a lot so how can he resist his beautiful mother's request? You can ask the holy spirit to help you, and give you self control.

4) The holy spirit, who dwells in us, can give us the strength to overcome the temptation to overeat. He will give you power. The Holy spirit is a gift from God. The Holy spirit is God on Earth, who lives inside us, guiding us in life. We receive him through baptism.

5) Praising God. I have said this a lot of times but it really helps to fill you with the spirit. As I said before, the Holy Spirit will give us the strength to overcome whatever temptation we are facing. Whenever I praise God... I feel overwhelmed by the love of God and I can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit.


Hey guys! :-) just wanted to remind you that I will be more than happy to pray for you, if you would like me to. I don't know what troubles you are going through but I will not think twice about praying for you. Just send me a message on wattpad and I will get back to you.
God bless you all.

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