Addiction to Shopping

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I'm this has happened to a lot of you girls and women out there - maybe even guys, who knows?

Addiction to Shopping.

Addiction to shopping. This can happen to a lot of people.

You end up shopping almost everyday, sometimes you buy things, but sometimes you just look around. Maybe, you buy things everyday.

If you buy things everyday, then you're most likely to run out of money. People that go shopping almost everyday are likely to be spending a lot.

The question is though, those things you buy, do you really need them? It might be buying new clothes everyday... is it necessary? God wants us to spend wisely, so that's how we need to be.

I also love shopping, I don't think I was ever addicted to it though, but maybe that's because I was never allowed to. My parents go to the supermarket to buy food, when we run out of food. We also go shopping when we need to buy something, like a new pair jeans, because the old pair is too small now. That's how my parents shop, but I used to love shopping so much.

I remember one time, a couple months ago, when I went shopping. It was at Primark, I think, and I was there with my family. What happened was, I left my family and went to look for the things I 'needed'. Most things there are quite cheap, so I ended up buying a lot of makeup, couple of tops and some other random things.
When we got back home, my parents asked me to show them what I bought and when I did, they were shocked. I had bought a couple of tops, some bracelets, a watch (which is probably still in my wardrobe), a lot of make up (most of which, I hardly wear), more bangles, a new pair of shoes, a scarf (which I have never worn, even though its been 4/5 months) and a peel of eye mask or something. I mainly just wasted money buying those things because they were never of use to me.

Those addicted to shopping might even ruin their relationship. You might shop everyday and spend a lot, which your spouse might not be happy with. You might end up fighting because you both disagree. You and your spouse might not be so rich to buy things everyday but your addiction to shopping might cause you to carry on spending.

To be honest, when we buy something new, we get excited about it and feel really happy. But, as time goes on you'll grow less fond of it, you might be wanting to buy other things.

Shopping doesn't give you a lasting happiness, in fact, nothing except for God does. We, as humans, are always searching for ways to be happy so we try out many things, but none of them seem to give you happiness, a lot of us forget to try out God.

Only God can make you happy.

Here is a video, how we try and get happiness from other things.


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