My Addictions

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Okay, so like I said, in this chapter I will tell you about my addictions and how I overcame them.

I used to be addicted to movies, REALLY addicted. I would just come back from school and lay in bed watching movies.

I'm an Indian so I watched Indian movies. I started watching malayalam movies, but, once I finished watching all the ones that were on the internet... I started watching Tamil movies. The language Tamil and malayalam are quite similar so I could kind of understand what was happening. Once I had watched all the tamil movies (that I could find), I started watching Hindi movies - with subtitles. Once I had watched as much hindi movies I could find I started watching Telugu movies. I love Telugu movies and songs but I didn't understand the language; I watched them with subtitles.
Once I had finished watching as much Telugu movies I could find, I started watching Korean. Yes, now I have watched probably most of the movies from those 4 Indian states and India is actually the country with the most movies. That's a lot of movies I watched.

My next addiction?
Believe it or not, it was READING!!! I remember when I first got Wattpad I would spend the whole day reading books one after the other. I was so addicted to it, I couldn't even stop at school. I would read during school break, lunch and even during the lessons!!! My friends would try and talk to me but I was so concentrated on my book that I didn't even hear them. I wasn't concentrating on my studies, I wasn't talking to my friends, everything was falling apart.

How I overcame my addictions

I was living like devils child probably, maybe I will tell you about how I was before and after I came to know christ in another book.
So, how did I overcome my temptations? Well, I went to a Christian retreat. When I heard other people's testimonies I realised that at some point in their life they were addicted to something too.

On the third/fourth day of the retreat, we were having adoration. Every single person in the room was praising God at the top of their voice. We were all filled with the FIRE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. We were all speaking in the GIFT OF TONGUES. We asked God to help us in our life and to set us FREE from our addictions. For ages we praised him, the time didn't matter though, the experience was INCREDIBLE, God's love for us is so BIG and we experience a bit of that love. Now, I was crying and could feel his love, I felt like I was going to burst with his love and that was only a small taster. Imagine how much God our Father loves us then.
During adoration, God did an operation in us. He went through our lives and BROKE OUR CHAINS. He broke every single one of our worldly connections, he broke everything that was holding us down!!!!!!
When I got back from the retreat, I LOST my addictions. The hardest thing I couldn't stop doing - reading - by the GRACE of God, I stopped. Watching movies, God broke the chain. I only watch movie once in a while, I'm not a huge fan of movies or reading anymore. The two things I loved, I don't love so much. The one I love the most now... it's my Daddy - God.


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