Chapter twenty three (Niall pov)

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Niall pov😱😁👌

  When I opened the bathroom door and saw her shaking under the cold water of the shower my heart sunk to the floor. He did this to her. He made her so scared that she sat in shock under freezing cold water. This is all his fault. 

  When I picked her up and set her gently on the toilet she was so frail and weak. My anger started to boil, but I kept it under wraps as I comforted her. Her shaky voice, tear strained face, shivering body, sparkling green eyes, they all just added to my anger because he caused it all. Then he had the nerve to come in the room and call her 'his' when she almost kissed me! I don't think so! She ran out of the room because he called her babe. That's it. I don't care if he's my best mate or not. I've had enough. 

  "How dare you!" I screamed at him, my thick accent booming off the walls of the small bathroom. "How dare I? You're the one that almost kissed my girl!" I growled and lunged forward. Fists started flying and bones cracked. A loud ringing stopped us and we both caught our breaths while Harry answered his phone. I wiped the spit and blood from my face and brushed off my bloody and bruised knuckles. 

  "What do you want?" Harry hissed over the phone. "She ran out." "I'm not sure." "You can check." "Bye." He huffed and stood up, wiping the blood from his face. 

  "You're lucky, Horan." I growled and stood in front of him bravely. "How so?" "That I didn't kill you." He stalked off and I heard his boots stomping loudly down the stairs. I walked out and saw a pool of blood, but no body. I pondered and looked around wondering where he went. "Harry! He's gone!" I walked outside to see him walking across the street and a black range rover in her driveway. I stood at the end as the front door opened and Marcel walked out while holding her bridle style. 

  I immediately became worried and thought she was hurt, but came to discover she was still in a bit of shock from the over dramatic day that had occurred. I waved and gave a small reassuring smile which she soon returned. "Everything will be alright, babe." I said assuringly as Marcel placed her in the passenger side of the car before walking over to us. 

  "Is she alright?" Harry spoke up first and worriedly. "Yeah, she's fine. Just a little shaken up is all. What happened?" "Her dad shot her mom and she ran across the street not even knowing I lived there and her dad broke down the door resulting in Harry scaring her to death and her running back over here." I summed up rather quickly, making me smile proudly. "Harry." He said annoyed. "What did you do to her?" "I beat her dad and she freaked out and ran upstairs and sat under the shower head on cold." 

  Marcel sighed, obviously frustrated and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Well, where is her dad now?" "He's gone." I said flatly. "What do you mean he's gone?" "All that's left is a pool of blood and no body." Harry stood tall and clenched his fists. "No matter the feelings we have for each other we have to promise something. We have to promise to keep Mia safe no matter what the cost." "Promise." I spoke first and also stood tall. "Promise. I'll see you tonight." "Where are you going?" "I have some messes to clean up." 

  I watched as Harry walked back to my house and Marcel drove off with Mia. 

  I wish I knew what she thought of me. Whether she liked me or not. I know one things for sure. I'm falling for Mia and I'm falling hard and fast. 


Alright so I like wrote this at midnight so if there's any spell checks or something wrong pls let me know! that would b fab;6

I started writing one direction imagines on here so if y'all want one pls go check it out on my page!!!! love y'all!!!!




Peace out babes😘✌

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