Chapter ten

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  "Who was he?" I swallowed nervously and stepped inside the house, Harry hot on my tail. 

  "Mia." I turned my attention to the gasp and saw Marcel standing in the hall.

  I can't even imagine what I look like right now.

  "What happened?!" He asked frantically, rushing over to me. I looked down ashamed and heard Harry ask me again. "" I stuttered out, cringing at the word 'dad'. I looked up and saw Harry's jaw tense and his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides. I cowered back a bit and felt my back press into a hard chest. I looked up relieved when I saw it was Marcel.

  "Harry." He seemed to snap out of his daze and meet my eyes, his features softening at my frightened state.

  "Let's get you cleaned up." Marcel guided me to the guest bathroom and left the room. Harry came in and lifted me onto the counter as if I was as light as a feather. I was surprised by his strength and it must have been evident on my face from the smirk plastered across his.

  I turned around and looked in the mirror horrified by the reflection. A large cut sliced across my cheek, dripping blood down my face as it was fresh. Another sharp pain shot through my stomach and arm causing me to wince. Harry looked at me questionably and started making his way towards me, but Marcel came into the room with a first aid kit. He took out gauze and alcohol, pouring some onto it. "This may sting."

  I squeezed my eyes shut, holding my breath and felt a hand squeeze mine in assurance. He placed a bandaid over the cut and cleaned up the kit, leaving to put it back. I slowly blinked and looked down at the large hand still squeezing mine and back up to its owner. "I know you're still in pain. What did he do?" I felt tears prick my eyes as the memories came rushing back, but quickly blinked them away. I shook my head and he groaned frustratedly, lifting me gently off of the counter.

  A pain filled gasp escaped my lips when his fingers grazed over my sore side. He furrowed his brow and started lifting up the edge of my shirt. I protested, but he lifted it up till the bruise was evident on my right side. Anger etched his features and his gaze fell on my arm as he pulled down my shirt. I swallowed and pushed past him, going into the only room I know.

  My world began to become fuzzy as I walked through the door. I heard voices shouting and I felt extremely dizzy all of a sudden. My hand flew to my head as I tried to blink and clear up my vision. I fell to the ground and everything blacked out.


So I like bacon and chocolate and chocolate covered bacon and don't judge me for being awesome😝😁

Double update:

This needs 750 reads and 150 votes!!!!!

The bad boy needs 1,000 votes!!!⛔

Thanks so much for reading!!




Peace out babes😘✌

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