Chapter eight

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  I grit my teeth and slowly made my way down the hall to my locker without too much pain. I tried not to focus on the throbbing in my arm or the excruciating pain shooting through my side. I finally reached my locker and got the books that I will need for the next couple of classes. I slowly stood and came in contact with sparkling green eyes. 

  "Hey." I half smiled. "Hi." He kindly smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in for a hug. I sucked in a sharp breath, wincing, but hugged him back. "You okay? Why did you wince?" I swallowed nervously and looked down at the ground, my converse becoming very interesting. "Yeah. I'm fine." I met his eyes again and he didn't look convinced, but let it slide, thankfully. We walked together to class and met up for lunch later that day. 

  "Mia!" My eyes widened and I cautiously turned my head to the side meeting those scary, dark brown eyes again. "Why did you hang up last night?" I gulped and turned my attention back to the line. "I had plans." I simply stated, nervousness seeping into my voice. "I don't care if you had 'plans'. No one hangs up on me. Especially a girl." He growled and I moved forward with the lunch line, Marcel already at the table. "My plans were more important." I walked to the table and sat down. 

  I looked up, half smiling at Marcel. "You look good today." He met my eyes and they sparkled with his smile. "Thanks. You don't look to bad yourself." He winked causing a giggle to escape my lips. 

  "I wasn't finished talking to you, Mia." "I was." 

  I felt an arm wrap around my waist from behind and I winced again. "Can't you take the hint and buzz off of her." I heard the familiar growl before he walked away, clearly annoyed. 

  "Hello, gorgeous." I met his eyes. "Hi." Pain was clear in my voice and he furrowed his brow in confusion. "What's wrong, babe?" I shook my head, sucking in another sharp breath when he removed his arm from my waist. "Nothing." I breathed out. Harry narrowed his eyes. "What aren't you telling me?" "I said it was nothing! Just drop it!" I yelled, getting a lot of strange looks from the tables nearby. 

  I stood from my seat and stormed off to my next class, just as the bell rang. 


Omg thanks so much for 86 votes!!!! Means a lot babes!!!




Peace out babes😘✌

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