16 - Blow my cover?

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Roxii's POV:

After the fainting incident in the nurse's office, the nurse advised Demi to take me to the doctor's to see whats going on. I was shit scared because I didn't know what was going to happen.

Demi called up the doctor and told him to clear his schedule because I needed an appointment. He agreed to do so. Must be that famous thing Demi has going for her because for anyone else, that would never happen. Demi drove me to the hospital where we met the doctor. I was automatically stripped out of my clothes and put into a dark green, cotton hospital gown. Disgusting. I waited for a while until a nurse came and took my blood. It hurt a lot, I am so bad with needles. Even at fifteen years old I still have to hold my mom's hand when I get a blood test. Embarrassing I know.

After that traumatic experience a whole team of staff rolled in with millions of questions blazing, all of them wanting to be the special one who diagnoses me.

Dr McAndrew was one of the first of the medical team to come and question me.

"How are you sleeping Roxanne?" He said

"It's Roxii." I said stubbornly. 

"How are you sleeping, Roxii?" He asked again, this time with the correct name.

"I'm sleeping fine" I finally answered

"How about your eating? Are you eating enough?" He asked.

Shit shit shit. How do I answer this? What the hell do I say? Do I lie and risk my health? Or do I tell the truth and know that I'll get an earful from my mom? I lie.

"Yeah of course I eat." I defend

"She doesn't finish meals." Mom butts in stubbornly.

Shit she is on to me. What lies can I make up now. She can't know

"But I eat heaps during the day" i convince the doctor an Demi.

Demi looks defeated, like I've just shut down all suspicions, but I cant let my guard down yet, she might be looking out more than ever now.

"I think what Roxii is experiencing is the symptoms of anaemia. We'll know further when the blood results come back. I'll call you tomorrow afternoon when the results are in" the doctor assures.

"Thank you doctor" demi says in a sweet tone.

Demi escorts me out of the doctors office and to the car to make our way home. Well want an eventful day where I barely have to be at school.

Hey guys I'm back for now!
Sorry for my three month stint away from writing, a lot has been going on in my personal life. I hope you enjoy this

-Jaz 🌻❤️

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