14 - Just Keep Breathing

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Roxii's POV:

I woke up from my depressing nap, noticing that it was 9pm.. Wow that was a long ass nap. I walked downstairs and approached the living room to see my mom and dad cuddling on the couch asleep. I looked closer at my mom and saw tear tracks stained on her cheeks. Seeing this made me upset because I hate seeing my mom vulnerable and now a days I never see my mom like this because she hides it so well from me. 

I ran back up to my room, mentally praising myself for having such a long nap and thankfully skipping dinner. I jumped in the shower and washed my hair and body before jumping out and drying myself off. By this point, I was really tired again and ready to be back in bed. It must have been the depression, because even after a long nap, I was still tired. 

~~~~~~~~~~TIME HOP~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up to my mom violently shaking me.

"Roxanne, what are you doing? It's time to go to school!" She said furiously.

Wow, could my day start off any worse? Probably, knowing me.

I slowly left my bed and walked to my bathroom, washing my face and chucking any random clothes on that covered my fat, ugly and scared body.

I settled for a pair of leggings and an over-sized sweat shirt and made my way downstairs with my backpack lazily swung over one shoulder. I made my way out the front door and dragged myself to the bus stop and got on the bus just in time.

I honestly had no respect for myself today, I could not be bothered, this life sucked and I was sick of it.

I arrived at school and sluggishly made my way to my locker, and then to the bathroom to do my business.. and my business I mean actually using the toilet for the correct purposes.

When I reached the bathroom, there she was. Fucking Bree. Oh my god I thought I was going to die, honestly.

"Well well well.." She trailed on. She was by her self, but somehow that was more intimidating that any sized crowd backing her up.

"Look who it is, Lofato made her return!" She snarled.

"You better watch your fat ass slut because you will never see the end of me!" She growled.

I stayed silent because I couldn't be bothered talking, nothing was going to stop her from beating me up. She grasped my right shoulder, bringing her knee to my crouch and kneeing me in the pussy. What the fuck. Ouch that hurt so bloody much. I feel to the ground in excruciating pain. She began to kick me in the stomach and I instantly felt the bruises forming. I grabbed my stomach in pain before she gave me one more blow to the stomach.

"See you round fatty" She stated cruelly before leaving the bathroom for me to cry. One tear escaped my duct and soon the water works started. 

"worthless rat"

"go on cut"

"kill yourself"

"you'll be happier with us"

My demons roared on as I frantically looked for an escape. The bathroom was empty so I decided to purged. I forced myself over the toilet bowl, emptying the contents of my stomach into the bowl which was just blood. Good, that's the way it should be. I flushed the toilet and wiped my mouth, hiding all the evidence of what had been done. I chucked my phone on shuffle and put my earphones in my ears before walking out of the bathroom and towards the back of the school where nobody went. 

I sat my ass down by the tree at the back of the sports field and just tried to escape from everything. The lyrics of the song I was listening to really spoke to me.

2am too tired to sleep

When what you want't not what you need

and when these walls don't feel like home

Remember that you're not alone

The beginnings just another end

It's not too late to start again

When hope is all to hard to hold

Just take a breath and let it go.




Just Keep Breathing.

I sat there bawling my eyes out. I hid my face in my hands and just cried, wondering why my life had to be like this. 

I felt a tap on my shoulder, looking up to see my favorite teacher Mrs Stuart standing there with a worried expression on her face. I tried blinking away the tears but that only caused them to come flowing at a much faster rate.

Mrs Stuart knelt down beside me and embraced me into a hug, where I let out all my emotions. Somehow this is all I needed. Just someone to hug.


Sorry everyone that this update took soo long!! I'm so sorry, But now I have one.

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