I didn't know when, or how long it took for us to get captured, for Amber to surrender her form and leave me naked on the ground. I didn't know when I was wrapped in a blanket and then roughly grabbed by two sets of hands.

But I remember sending a wolf to the ground after my foot kicked his balls into his throat. And I remember the small second of freedom I received from that small yet vicious act.

"No pups for you!" I  may or may not have yelled in my fit of rage. 

I'm probably going to regret it for the rest of my life.

Because as the temperature dropped and tape (they eventually added chains, could they get any more scary?) cast itself around me and a wooden chair, I wished with all my might that I could take back the last 2 hours of my life. It seemed to be the perfect time to be captured as the moon only cast shadows rather than light in the large broken house. I felt my heart leaping out of my throat and sprinting off in the opposite direction screaming, "stuff dis shiz.". It's screaming lips searching for an escape, when all my skin yearned for was some clothes.  

Clothes sounded good around about now too.

It was way to fast, the change of scenery -going from the forest to creepy haunted house wasn't a good thing to do- how quick they held me down, the feeling of bile rising in my throat.

"Huh, who's this? Seen her around here before?" The voice sent shivers down my spine. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"That's a shame, I mean you all seemed so nice when you dragged me in," I muttered sarcastically. And like a light switch, all eyes turned from a confused glance, to a complete death glare as small but deep growls escaped their lips.

"Are the any girls here, if so can they lend me their shirts or pants, preferably both? It's not exactly warm in here," I said, hating the hint of panic that mixed with my words as my eyes darted around the room. Staring at strong jaws, hard eyes and muscular bodies I wished with all my might to find some wolf that at least didn't have a third leg stashed in their pants.

Why do I get so weird when I am panicked? Why the hell do I say things this stupid?

"Why the hell did you do this Amber?" I questioned.

No answer.

"First, you come into our territory and trot around like you own the place, then you decide it'll be okay to backchat?" A tall man growled, his rounded eyes squinting as he strode around me, his hands safely held behind his back as his fingers laced together.

"Let's not forget I harmed one of your pack members?" Obviously all Amber needed to do was get me into a weird situation and I would be able land myself in trouble.

The man's -alpha I am assuming- clenched his jaw as his steps came to a halt. The moon light cast a small shadow across half his body, giving him a mysterious and strong approach. He stood tall with his chest out, while his pointed chin lifted slightly in the air as his dark eyes wondered over my body.

I totally didn't have a sudden urge to pee in my pants- oh sorry those are gone.

"Look man, I'm sorry. My wolf and I got into an argu-"

"Do you know what the punishment for trespassing another wolf's territory?" He barked.

"A free cake and a happy 'all friends' party?" I quickly replied, I need to learn to shut up, epecially when my life in the balance. A sort echoed through the silent room.

Yay, one friend, how many more to go?

It was to quick for the naked eyes to see, but by all means I could sure as hell feel it. Pain shot through me as Alpha's fist collided with my jaw, sending my head to face the breaking floor boards. I swallow the urge to bite back, to rip the chains off and hit him back. I suppose this is what Amber wants, I guess she can have it.

But I wanna know what happened to the 'don't hit a girl unless you're a girl' rule. I kinda miss it right now.

"Hah, not bad, probably could have twisted a little more into the punch and aimed for the temple. You could have given me the peace of passing out," I snap through clenched teeth.

I see his own flash in the dark as he whispers his next words, "Then it wouldn't be half as fun."

Another swing, this time he deepened the blow, pushing his fists through my abdomen as his eyes flashed with fury.

Damn you Amber, damn you.

It was only after a small gasp of air and small shriek that I heard the door smack open and a strangely familiar smell filtered through the air.

Oh crap.

Opening my tearing eyes, I turned to watch the person I wished to see the least walk in.

My mate.


Please take a look at a story called 'Blood Bound'. I am helping create this with my sister (loverofbooks247 ) all though she does all the work haha. So if you love assassin stories with kick ass girls, you'll love this! Please go to her page and give it a go :)

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