''Don't be like that. You haven't seen the twins all summer, you must have a tons of things to tell each other.''


Last year, Luke was super excited to see the twins after a long summer but this year, things changed. 

He made new friends who are much more cooler than Aiden and Ethan - no offence. All they do is talk about sports, school/grades and trips they go on with their rich ass parents. And they're nowhere as fun as Michael, Kellin or Ashton. They aren't interested in acting and don't even like the same genre of music. 

They've chatted on Facebook last night and it was really weird. Luke didn't want to bother them with his acting and new friends so he let the two boys do the talking. 

Sometimes, people change and friendships drift appart. That's life.   

Once he was done drinking his coffee, the blonde left for school in silence. He didn't want to talk to his mum about this. She'd be mad he's loosing such good friends as them. 


  Just like he expected, first and second period were boring. What a surprise, it's school. It's always boring. 

Luke quickly found out none of his friends had classes in common with him which really sucks. He always classes in common with one of the twins since he was eleven. Why did it have to change?

He did see Calum Hood from the play in his English class though, but...what is he doing here? He didn't mention moving or going to Luke's school. It was a surprise to see him in the back of Luke's English class. 

Having no friends in your classes means having to listen to other students gossiping and that's pure torture. Luke doesn't care who cheated on who during summer or who got pregnant. High school drama isn't his thing. He doesn't give a fuck about these people. 

All he wants is to be done with his day and go home and chat online with Michael or Ashton. The colorful haired boy said he wanted to show him his new skateboard- longboard and although Luke doesn't know anything about skateboards, he's excited to see it. 

Then, lunch time happened and Luke was dreading it. His mum forgot to give him money and he didn't pack anything to eat so he's stuck having to sit alone the whole hour. How fun?

It's in times like this Luke wishes his mum would give him his phone back already. If he had it, he wouldn't have to deal with the awkwardness of being social. 

''Aren't you hot with that hoodie?'' Aiden asked, sliding on a chair in front of Luke with his food tray. ''I'm melting and I'm just wearing a tee shirt.''

He was hot but didn't want to take it off. The scars on his wrist aren't fully healed, he doesn't want to expose them for everybody to see. Hearing gossips is bad enough, he doesn't want to be one of their target or conversation subject. No thanks.

He shook his head, tugging at the sleeves of his hoodie to cover his hands.  ''No, I'm cold, actually,'' Luke replied. 

Ethan sat beside his brother, giving Luke a kind smile. ''We've been looking for you since the bell, why weren't you at our usual table?'' Ethan asked before taking a bite of his too healthy sandwich. 

Luke swears these two aren't normal teenagers. They're always eating super healthy food and grimacing at fast food. What? Who does that? 

Give the blonde endless supplies of mac'n cheese everyday and he'll be happy for the rest of his life. He might have a slight tummy action going on after eating all this but...whatever.

Larmes de Rasoir  - Lashton | ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now