Chapter thirty nine.

Beginne am Anfang

When I arrive Harry is already waiting outside the hospital for me.

‘’Come here’’ he says holding his arms open for me.

I sink into them I don’t feel safe or warm, I don’t feel anything.

‘’ let’s just go inside’’ I mumble pulling away from him.

Harry follows me silently as I ask where to go.

Once we’re in the lift he grabs my hand turning me to face him,

‘’It’s ok to be upset you know?’’ he whispers a giving me a reassuring smile.

‘’I’m not upset’’

‘’How? This isn’t exactly a happy time’’

‘’YOU THINK I DON’T FUCKING KNOW THAT! YOU THINK I WANT TO NOT GIVE A SHIT! I DO HARRY I REALLY DO! BUT I CAN’T, I CAN’T FEEL ANYTHING. I JUST CAN’T NOT SINCE YOU FUCKED ME UP!’’ I scream at him he looks at me with a straight face, he doesn’t flitch or even blink.

He doesn’t say anything he just takes me hand squeezing it gently.

I’m glad he doesn’t say anything there’s nothing that would change anything right now.


The second Emma told me what was happening I walked straight out of Zayn’s house I didn’t explain what was going on, I just walked out got in my car and drove to the hospital.

I needed to be there before Emma, I needed to comfort her.

When she arrived it seemed she didn’t need comforting, she didn’t cry she didn’t even look sad.

She looked blank and emotionless, almost lifeless. It wasn’t a pretty sight.

I told her it was ok to cry, it was ok to be hurt but she just screamed at me about how she doesn’t feel anything anymore, how she wishes she did but she doesn’t. She said its because of me.

I’ve heard people say you go numb when everything falls completely apart, I guess that’s Emma right now, she’s numb.


We entered the room my grandma is in Dad was sat at her side, holding her hand. His face was stained with tears and his eyes were bloodshot.

‘’You should go get a coffee or something’’ I told him.

‘’Ok… do you want one?’’ He asked me.

‘’Yeah please, get Harry one too’’

‘’ of course sweetie’’

‘’Harry?’’ My grandma asked her voice weaker than usual.

‘’Yeah, Hi Valerie how are you feeling?’’ Harry asked sweetly taking a seat beside her.

He was good at stuff like this, being there for people. He was there for me once.

I on the other hand don’t handle things like this well, I didn’t handle it well when we first found out she was sick. I didn’t cry, well not in front of anyone.

I don’t know why but I always felt like I was the one that needed to be strong, I was only 14 years old. I shouldn’t have felt like it was my job to keep everyone else together, it wasn’t my job at all.

‘’I’m ok ‘’ Grandma smiled weakly.

‘’No you’re not’’ I muttered taking a seat at the other side of the bed beside her.

Forced to become Mrs Styles (A Harry Styles AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt