Chapter 21 - (1.9K Words)

Start from the beginning

"Yoongi will get mad no matter what I do," Taehyung chuckled, picking up a cue that was leaned against the wall. "Besides, it could take days for him to come back down here, and I want to play pool. If he wants to be the one to finish this game, he can come down here and play me."

Taehyung tossed you the cue, and you frantically moved to catch it. You let out a sigh of relief when it came to rest in your palms. You stood up and turned the cue over and over in your hands. You didn't feel any grooves in this one, and you couldn't see any letters or initials anywhere on it.

"Taehyung, whose cue is this?" You asked. "I don't see any initials anywhere on it."

"That one's a spare, and the only one we've got," he said, scratching his head. "The boys really don't like it when other people use their cues, and that's the only reason why we have the spare."

Maybe I should add that to the list, just in case. I want to get in as little trouble as possible.

You scanned the tables in the room, looking for a writing utensil. You saw a pen lying on the end table, and you moved to pick it up. Suddenly, you remembered one of the rules on the list.

"Taehyung, is it okay if I use this pen?" You asked, pointing it out to him.

"Rule eleven?" Taehyung chuckled, reaching over and handing you the pen. "Don't worry about that one so much. Of course you can use the pen."

You pulled out the list of rules from your back pocket, and unraveled it. You scratched the new rule onto the list just below the others. Your handwriting stood out against the lovely print of the rules before.

14. Only use the spare pool cue.

You placed the pen back on the table where you had found it, and then rolled the paper back up. You slid it back into your pocket and grabbed the spare cue. You cleared your throat, signaling to Taehyung that you were ready to start.

"Last I remember, Yoongi had the striped balls, and it was also his turn," Taehyung said, leaning up against the table. "Which makes it your turn, whenever you're ready."

You sauntered up to the table, trying to hide how nervous you actually were. Your knuckles were turning white from how hard you were gripping the cue. You examined the table, and tried to find a place where you could make a clean shot.

You saw several shots, but none of them were sticking out to you. You either had really bad shots, or they would give Taehyung the advantage when his turn came. Then finally, you saw one shot that would work out for you in the end.

I can probably sink the Fifteen Ball if I hit it from that corner...

You moved over to the opposite side of the table, where Taehyung was leaning. He moved to make room for you, and you silently thanked him. You leaned down over the table, and held the cue steadily against the table between your fingers.

Without any hesitation, you forced the cue forward through your fingers, and watched as the cue ball glided over to the Fifteen Ball. You watched as the ball sailed into the corner pocket, while the cue ball remained a safe distance away.

"Hey, that wasn't a bad shot," Taehyung said, impressed. "But now you've ruined my chances of making any. That wasn't very friendly of you."

"That's how the game should be played," you said, nodding your head at him.

Taehyung stood with the pool cue in his hand, but didn't make his move. He was staring at you, a smile creeping onto his face.

"It's your move, Tae--"

"I think I'm going to like you."

"You what?!"

"I said I think I'm going to like you."

You smiled sweetly as a tiny blush creeped across your cheeks.

"I'm going to like you a lot."

* * * *

You steadied your hand on the table. You saw the ball that you were going for, the only ball left on the table. You could feel a bead of sweat as it trickled down your forehead. You took a deep breath, and hit the cue ball.

You watched as it got closer, closer, and then missed the Eight Ball by only a hair. The cue ball stopped just before falling into the corner pocket, where you had been hoping to hit the Eight Ball into. You angrily hit the table with your fist and stood up.

"That was a scratch," Taehyung said, teasing you and pointing at the pocket where the cue ball now was. "Do you know what that means, (Y/N)?"

"It means I lose," you laughed, your anger instantly vanishing. "Again."

"I don't think I can play another game," Taehyung said, leaning up against the wall. "I'm tired, and you're making it really hard for me to win."

"Are you saying I'm a better player than you are?" You challenged him.

"Hey, you won the first game because I scratched," Taehyung said, putting his cue back in the rack. "But you play pretty well for someone who's 'not very good,'" he quoted you.

"I don't think I've ever played that good before," you said, running your hand through your hair. "That must have been a miracle."

Taehyung took your cue away from you and laid it against the wall. You started to pull all of the balls out of the pockets, and lay them back out on the tabletop. You both made sure that they were set up and ready for someone else who might want to play a game of pool.

Taehyung loudly flopped down on the couch behind you, and sighed. You smiled at him, and went to sit beside him. As soon as you sat down, he moved his head to rest on top of your lap.

"I could fall asleep right here," Taehyung said, drawing out his words. "You're so comfortable."

His eyes closed, and his face softened. You intently watched him as he relaxed himself. His hair started to spill out over his forehead and cover his eyes. His breathing became rhythmic, and before you realized it, he was asleep on your lap.

Without thinking, you reached down and moved the hair away from his eyes. You let your hand linger and rest on the side of his face.

He's so sweet.

You heard a knock on the wall, and you looked up. You quickly drew your hand away from Taehyung's face. Jungkook was leaning against the wall near the entrance to the lounge.

"There's going to be dinner soon," he said, motioning for you to follow him. "I can lead you to the kitchen."

You looked down at Taehyung, who was still peacefully resting on your lap. You didn't want to move and wake him up, but you also didn't want to get in trouble with Jungkook.

"I, um, can't move. Taehyung is--"

"I'll move him for you," Jungkook interrupted, making his way to where you were sitting.

Jungkook lifted Taehyung off of you, and you carefully slid out from under his limp body. Jungkook let go of him, and Taehyung lifelessly flopped back onto the couch. You were half-expecting him to wake up.

"I'll lead you to the kitchen," Jungkook said, offering you his arm. You politely accepted, and he escorted you out of the lounge.

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