two things

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Hey guys, first I wanna tell you, that were going on a 7 hour car ride today. If you're lucky, I'll update. We'll see.

Second, guess what happened today?

Oh whatever, I'll just tell you. Today was the shac-a-thon at my school, which is pretty much a health day. I spent the physical activity half of the day in the office, because I'm opposed to physical activity. (I'm an office aid, and the teacher said I could stay if I wanted)

So, you know. That part was great.

When we finally finished that portion, we had to go to fifth period. I had social studies, not that that matters, because my teacher was showing us a highschool video on drunk driving. It was a reenactment, so I thought okay.

A little over halfway through the video was the crash. I knew it was staged, but it was really bloody. All but two were badly injured and one was dead.

I am pretty okay with blood in fiction, and even in real life to a certain extent. But this was something that could easily happen, and has happened to people as little as two years older than me.

That thought made me nervous. I started to go numb, and I was going to tell my teacher that I couldnt watch it, but then I blacked out.

When I woke up, my head hurt, and I was lying on the ground. I HAD FAINTED AND FALLEN OFF MY CHAIR!

Three of my friends, Autumn, Julia, and Fadara (I think thats how you spell it) were the only other kids in the classroom. I was completely numb, and could barely move. My teacher was freaking out. She called the nurse and the principal, and gave me a bottle of water.

Anywho, my mom was called, and she came to pick me up.

And that is the story of how I fainted in class today for the first time.

Hasta la pasta (for now)

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