Chapter 3

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I waited in Maria's office for her to return. It was a long night for her. She spent most of it cry. Who could blame her, Nick Fury was dead. For some reason, it wasn't affecting me that much. It didn't feel like he was dead. It still left like he was here, like he was undercover. Maybe it just hasn't hit me. Maybe I'm just weird.

There was a knock at the door and someone entered. I thought maybe it was Maria. "Oh, I'm sorry agent. I was just looking for Agent Hill," Brock Rumlow said peeking his head through the door.

"She stepped out for a moment. Would you like me to tell her you stopped by?" I asked turning and facing him. I felt a tug at my brain again. There is something going on with him. Find out. You need to find out what it is. Now!

"No that's fine." He was about to leave but then he peeked his head back in and just looked at me. I pushed a strand of my pitch black hair behind my ear. "I know you don't I?" he said coming into the room. This is your chance! I walked towards him a little, to get a better sense of him.

"Yes, we were in the same training class when we were recruited," I said attempting to flirt with him a little. I don't think it was working. How the hell are you supposed to flirt? Obviously not the way you're doing it.

"Oh right. You were always the quiet one," he said giving me a flashy smile. I giggled. The closer I got to him the more of his essence I could read. He seemed like he was in a hurry. He was tense. Ready for battle.

"Yeah I was," I said playing along with this conversation.

"You know, maybe we can get coffee sometime. I'd really like getting to know the girl I never got a chance to," he said obviously flexing his arm while leaning against the doorway.

"Yeah, I'd really love that," I said forcing a convincing smile. Captain America.

"I actually got to go. I'll find you later and we can go get coffee," he said returning to his official position. I nodded at him as he left. Attack. Captain America. Attack. Steve.

Oh hell no!

I ran over to Maria's computer and started to hack into the security cameras. He had to be here if Rumlow was planning on attacking now. I ran through every camera I could, trying to find where Steve was. If he was in his signature outfit, he shouldn't be hard to find.

There! He was in an elevator filled with agents. Rumlow and his men were in there with Steve. Damn it!

I watched the computer screen as almost a dozen men tried to take Steve down. I couldn't stay here and let this happen. What was happening? SHIELD was attacking Captain America! Why? I logged out of the computer and grabbed a couple of Maria's hidden guns. Once I was equipped with enough protection, ran to the elevator. Maybe If I push the button, it'll stop? As I approached the elevator, I could hear the elevator roaring down. This dude is going to make me run!

I ran as fast as I could to the main floor. There was only one way to go without being caught by the soldiers that were going after him and that was out the window and straight through glass. I knew where he would go. To the garage, to his beloved motorcycle. Won't I just be a surprise for him.

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