Telling everyone the news.

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Clarke's POV

We had to break the news to them. The ark is coming down. Our land is now their land. I know when that come down they'll want to be in charge. And they'll want Chancellors and that's not what the ground is about. We share everything and everyone is equal. I walk outside the tent into the sun people are up and moving another cabin is being put up with 4 rooms in it. I walked in the center of everyone.
"I need everyone's attention please!" Most people stopped and others didn't hear and but stopped when the others stopped. "OK we have some news. The ark sent a coded message. And Raven cracked it the message was giving us a warning. The Ark is coming! We don't know when they're coming." Everyone started to mumble about the ark coming. "But this is our land. And it always will be we'll work with them and help them but we built this from nothing and they will not take it from us." They all cheered. I walked off and went to my cabin and walked into the baby's room. I walked over to the crib and she was up and looking at me. I smiled and pick her up. I think it is time for her to meet Jasper, Monty and Finn. I wrapped her up and walked outside and I saw Jasper and Monty.
"Hey guys I want you to meet someone. This is Aurora Madelyn Blake." They walked over to me and looked at her.
"Can I hold her Clarke?" Jasper asked. I nodded my head and placed her in his arms and showed him how to cradle the baby's head. He smiled at her.
"She's so tiny!" He handed her back and I walked to the tent Raven was last in and there she was messing with the radio.
"You spend so much time with that radio I swear y'all dating." She turned around and smiled.
"Oh my goddaughter! Let me see her." She made a grabbing motion at me. I handed her Aurora and she just awwed at her. She cooed as Aurora grabbed her fingers and try to put them in her mouth. Raven laughed but pulled away and shook her head.
"Did the ark say anything else?" She looked up.
"No if they did it didn't go through. I can't even tell them that I got the message." I sighed.
"Where's Finn?" She shook her head.
"Haven't seen him in two days." I nodded my head and took Aurora and walked out the tent. She was probably hungry and I deicide to give her some berries that they collected and smashed them until they became a liquid and put them in a water bottle. I watch her taste the drink then she started to drink. I smiled she so beautiful and I can't believe that she's mine. I may not like the fact that the Ark is coming. But I really do miss my mom. And she would love Aurora. I can't wait until she meets her. She finished eating and I turned her around to burp her. She let out the cutest little burp. She yawn and I deicide it was time for a nap. I walked into the baby room and sat in the rocking chair and began to rock her to sleep. And I hummed a little tune until she was off to sleep. I laid her in the crib and I walked out slowly. This is really my life. And I love it!
Hi guys! Welcome to my new story. When's the ark coming down? Where's Finn? Find out soon.

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