Chapter Thirteen

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Hoseok POV
'She is yours now' that one sentence. Damn it Park Jimin.
What are you doing to me. What do I need to do the 10 years anniversary is in two days.
And knowing mom and dad they will be  at a hotel so what to do???
God help me with this gjeez this harder than i thought X(
Kim Jinae you'll be mine soon😏

-time skip 10 years anniversary-

this is such a special day. our parents 10 year anniversary.

as always we went to school. Jinae just did like it wasn't a special day at all.

just like always she would wake to school herself, meet up with Jimin and go to her classes.

she doesn't talk to me that much, usualy she would say 'congratz with our parents' but i think she isn't in the mood for this. yea if you break up with your boyfriend you wouldn't want to celebrate something while you're sad.

when i entered the school, Jungkook called my name several times.

"hyung!" he shouted and ran to me. in a few seconds he stood in front of me, panting.

"what wrong?"i asked and he dragged me to some place.

when we came to a stop i saw that we were at the back of our school.

jungkook pointed at a huge crowd and we looked what was happening.

i saw Eunji pointing a gun to Jinae while Baekhyun was holding Jinae.

i she going to kill Jinae...this bitch!

when i looked closer to Baekhyun i saw that he tried to get the gun from his pocket.

"i swear Baekhyun, i'm going to kill that bitch!" Eunji shouted.

"if you dare to touch her i wont hesitate to shot you trough your head" Baekhyun threated her.

Baekhyun pointed the gun at Eunji and she pointed her gun at Jinae.

i saw Eunji smirking. "i knew you would come and see your dear sister die" she smirked and laughed like a maniac.

Jinae turned around and her gaze met mine. she looked at me while mouthing a sorry.

a shot was heard.

a second shot was heard...

Eunji on the floor bleeding to death. she got shot trough her head...

Baekhyun on the floor with a shot trough his stomach.

Jinae's eyes turned watery, she swiped her phone out of her pocked and quikly called the ambulance while others were trying to stop Baekhyuns bleeding.

i ran to her and hugged her.

"it will be all right. the ambulance is coming, Baekhyun will survive it"i said while Jinae cried in my chest.

-time skip home at night-

sadly Baekhyun died after the surgery.

the others had called me and tried to comfort Jinae but it didn't work at all.

i went to her room to check up on her.

"are you a bit calmed down?"i asked her and she nodded.

i hugged her. "no need to be scared anymore right? Eunji is gone" i said. she shivered when i mentioned Eunji's name.

"mom and dad wont be back untill tomorrow" "i know"

"jinae i love you" "i love you too" she said.

"i mean.." "i know what you mean Jimin told me" she smiled

"w-what? he told you you what?" i asked her confused.

she just giggled. so cute.

"i love you Jinae. you're everything to me" i smiled and kissed her forehead.

"love you too oppa"



i'm finally done with this story.

sorry for not updating but this is the end of this story♥


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