Chapter one

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Jinae POV
I woke up in my bedroom, i still wore my clothes from yesterday.
What happened yesterday? I still try to remember what happened, but i can't.
" Jinae!!" I heard Hoseok shouting
" yes oppa?!" I shouted back
" What the hell Was Jimin doing in your room?!?!" He shouted
Now i remember, Jimin and i were studying last night but end up falling asleep on my bed.
" sorry oppa" i shouted to Hoseok
" it's fine, are you going to walk with us?" he asked
" no i will go at my own"
"Ok but text me of you're at school" he shouted before he left
After my whole morning routine, i headed to school

From Jinae
I'm at school :)
To Hoseok oppa

From Hoseok
OK we're inside the classroom
To Jinae

I walked inside the school being greeted by a lot of Queenka's.
Reason why, i'm the youngest from my class and smartest girl at school, and i'm a Senior.
Hoseok and his friends are always being ignored by Queenka's and Kingka's Bc of their looks.
Nobody at school knows that Hoseok is my step brother, it Will give him trouble with Queenka's and Kingka's , and if they know About it everybody at school would ignore me.
But i would give up being a Queenka for my brother, but he doesn't want me to do that.
Suddenly a junior student bumper into me he know who i was, his eyes widen" s-sorry Jinae i-i didn't meant to bump into you" he apolgies "keep calm i'm not going to hurt you" and i showed him a sweet smile and headed to my classroom before i walked in the classroom i heard the boy from earlier screaming i runned toward the boy, he was surrounded by those bitchy Queenka's, he fell on the floor, he was crying and had a few bruises. I pushed the girls away from him and helpen him up. " Jinae what are you doing he deserve this for bumping into you" one of the girls said, i grabbed her by her colar " if you dare to touche kids younger than you, i Will beat you up till you know how to treat kids" i Said angry. I took the boy to the school nurse "you didn't had to do that for me Jinae" he said "it's better than Getting hurt" i replied
" thank you" he said while the nurse Walked in. I said the boy good bye and run towards my classroom i was late, again

"Miss Kim why are you late again?" My teacher asked
" i'm sorry miss Lee" i bowed
"It's alright go to your seat"
I walked to my Seat next Jimin, when i sat on my chair i heard Namjoon.
"Jinae? Jinae?" He kept calling my name but i ignored it
He kept calling me a few minuts
"Can you just shut up i'm trying to concentrate!" I said a little bit to loud, the whole class turned to me.
" sorry, you may continue" i said and bowed
I felt people behind me staring at me, it made me feel uneasy.
"Hey are you ok? You look pale" Jimin asked
"I-i'm fine" i said


Class was over so time for lunch break.
"Hey Jinae do want to Sit with us" Hoseok asked.
I wanted to reply till Some Queenka's Answerd it "Queenka's don't lunch with losers" she laughed "do you really think that she would sit with you" she said.
"Do you think that I want to lunch with you Mellisa?" I asked her.
"B-but Queenka's always lunch with Queenka's" she said.
"Well i want to lunch with those boys, and don't act like a Queenka's Bc i'm the one who made them call you one" i said. and walked with Bts to the canteen.
"Noona Why did you said that to her?" Jungkook asked.
"She deserves it" suddenly the boy from earlier bumped again into me.
"I'm sorry again and thank you for helping me" he said and smiled.
"How are your bruises?" I asked.
"Oh they are fine" he replied and walked away.
"Do you know that kid" Hoseok asked.
"Yes oppa" i answerd.
"Sooo, did you liked it yesterday with Jimin?" Namjoon asked with a smirk.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"You and Jimin you two kissed right?" He asked.
"No what makes you think that?!" I said and looked at Jimin, who was looking at the ground.
Hoseok hit Namjoon "yah! Why are you talking like that to my sister" he said.
"Sorry" he laughed nervously.
"Jinae can you help me today with my maths?" Jimin asked.
"Sure" i nodded Hoseok walked angrily away.
"What's wrong with him? Why's he angry?" I asked the boys.
Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Taehyung and Jungkook seemed really nervously when i asked that.

Hoseok POV
"Jinae can you help me with my maths? Jimin asked Jinae.
"Sure" she nodded.
I can't take this anymore how long do i neem to keep this stupid secret.
I walked angrily away.
I know that Jinae and Jimin are best friends but it hurt that i can't love her like that, maybe Jiminie can, but i can't as much that i love Jinae i can't like her.
The boys know About it Jimin and Jinae are the only who don't know About my feelings


Jinae POV
School is finally done.
Jimin is coming over to help him with maths, Hobie oppa's friends are coming to but they stay in his room.
We reaches our house and went inside
We walked towards our rooms, Jimin entered mine and the others Hoseok's
After hours of studying we took a break.
We laughed a lot what made the others shout to shut up.
After 30 minutes rest we started again.
I was explaining some questions till we realised that our faces were just a few inches apart, he looked at me and then at my lips, I stare in his brown eyes.
He was able to kiss me when 6 boys burst in my room, made us back away
"We didn't interrupt you two right?" Jin asked
"No" Jimin and I said in unison
"Are you sure" Namjoon winked made Hoseok's hit him on the head
"It's getting late Jimin we should head home now" Taehyung said
"Ok let's go then, Bye Jinea" he winked " bye hobie Hyung" he smiled
After one hour our parents came home from God knows where.
"Mooommm you're homee " I shouted happily and ran toward her to hug her.
I might be 20 but I'm still a kid in my mom her eyes
"Aaarrggg daughter attack" my mom shouted
Hoseok's walked to the living room when he heard my mom and if you hear my mom, my stepdad is here too!
"It's almost 10 years kiddos" my stepdad said
We nodded
We walked to our rooms when someone knocked on my door "Jinae can I talk to you for a moment?" Hoseok asked
Tam tam taammm what will Hoseok's tell Jinae o.o
Is he going to confess or not, and does Jinae and Jimin really like each other is there something behind that all *smirks*

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