Chapter 19: King Caspian

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I used my magic, crushing the life out of the Telemarines and stabbing many of them with my swords. I was beyond furious I slammed down my hand and several Telemarines around me fall to the ground.

Whoa! That's when I realised my source of powers. Emotions. That's what had made me so strong and weak at certain times. I tried to control myself as I continued to fight off the soldiers. However there were way too many for me to fight off and I couldn't spot Susan, Peter, Edmund, or Caspian anywhere.

One soldier raised his sword and stabbed my side, causing me to wince and fall to the floor. Just before I blacked out I saw Caspian by my side while Peter was fighting the solider who gave me the wound.

"Stay with me, love." Caspian pleaded.

"I'm sorry. I can't." I whispered.

My eyelids grew heavy and I gave in into letting them shut close.

I walked through the forest and in the distance I saw Xavier. My eyes widened and I ran towards him.

"Xavier!" I exclaimed.

"Sabrina!" He replied as he opened his arms and welcomed me in his embrace.

I couldn't believe I was here with my brother. It seems too good to be true. Once I pulled away, I spoke up. "I can't believe I'm here with you. Am I dead?"

"No, you're not." Xavier said. "Listen to me you're going to wake up soon. Please take care and be strong. You deserve to live and be happy with Caspian.

"In these past days I've realised how much Caspian truly loves you and how much you love him."

"Thanks Xavier." I said with a smile. "That means so much to me, you have no idea."

"I must leave. Take care."

With that Xavier vanished and I was alone in the forest. Xavier!

"She's waking up."

I slowly opened my eyes to see Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy, and Caspian. They sighed out of relief once I opened my eyes. I glanced around to see I was in a huge room.

"Honestly Sabrina, stop scaring us like that." Peter said.

We all laughed. Aslan then made his way to me as he wore a smile. Aslan!

"Aslan!" I exclaimed.

I tried getting up, however a shot of pain crept up on my body and I winced. Caspian and Peter helped me lie back down.

"Easy Sabrina, you're not one hundred percent healed." Caspian reminded me.

I nodded in response and turned my attention to Aslan who spoke next. "My dear child, it seems as though you've figured out your powers."

"Yes, but it was mostly with your help." I pointed out. "Had you not been telling me what to do in my dreams I wouldn't have known what to do."

Aslan chuckled. "Yes, but you chose to follow my advice and for that I thank you. Now rest, tomorrow is the coronation of Caspian and of Sabrina."

"What?" Lucy and I asked.

"That is if Caspian still plans on marrying her." Aslan added.

"Of course I do!" Caspian replied hastily. "I just wished you would've let me tell her, Aslan."

"Well, cat's out of the bag." He replied with a laugh. "Now let us leave, Sabrina must heal."

With that they all left the room, assuring me that I'd get better in no time.

The next day soon arrived and with the help of my magic, I was healed in no time. I wore a long blue dress and put my hair back in a braid. I made my way outside to the courtyard where I saw Peter and Susan talking to Aslan.

As Peter and Susan spotted me I waved and smiled, but they appeared to be heartbroken as they merely frowned at me. After Aslan spoke with them, he made his way towards me.

"I am deeply sorry about your brother." He said.

I tried fighting back tears that threatened to fall in that moment. I must be strong, Sabrina.

"It's not your fault." I replied. "It was his time to go. It's unfortunate though that Susan didn't return his feelings when he confessed his love for her seconds before dying."

"Susan told me everything." Aslan informed me. "Now about your coronation-"

"What did you speak to Susan and Peter about?" I inquired.

Aslan sighed. "Well you're bound to discover this sooner or later. It's just that Peter and Susan won't be returning to Narnia ever again."

"Why?" I asked.

"They are all grown up and have learned everything they possibly can." Aslan explained. "No it's time for them to live in their own world."

Is that why I'm allowed to stay here? Because I'm from this world and not from their world. This is my home.

"Is that why I'm allowed to stay here?" I inquired.

"Yes, that is exactly why my dear Sabrina." Aslan said. "You can stay here since this is your birthplace. And besides your coronation with Caspian is today and as for the marriage you will have to speak with Caspian about."

I smiled as I gave Aslan a hug. "Thanks Aslan."

"You are welcome."

Once we pulled away from the hug, we got ready for the coronation. We found out Reepicheep was carried on his funeral bed, however with Lucy's little magical potion he came back to life.

Caspian and I stood before the crowd next to the thrones. Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy were in the crowd. Trufflehunter, Reepicheep, and Trumpkin were holding the crowns. Aslan appeared before us and turned to the crowd.

"I herby name Prince Caspian the tenth and Queen Sabrina as the new king and queen of Narnia!" Aslan announced.

The crowns were placed on our heads. The crowd cheered and Caspian turned towards me, pulling me closer to him until our lips met. The crowd cheered even louder as we kissed. I felt as if finally my life was complete, despite the loss of my brother.

The Telemarines and Narnians were finally together. With Caspian and my reign over Narnia we would assure that peace remains throughout all of the land.

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