Chapter 3: Arriving at the Pevensies

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The next day at around seven, we gathered all our things and left the house. Peter and Susan were the only ones who knew we were coming and told me their direction.

After two hours, we arrived at a house and we knocked on the door to find a woman with dark brown hair.

"Hello, who are you?" The woman asked.

"Sabrina! Xavier!"

Lucy came running out and hugged us both. After we pulled away, I spoke up.

"I am Sabrina Burkes and this is my brother, Xavier Burkes."

She smiled."Ah, we were expecting you. It's nice to meet you two, I am Mrs. Pevensie. Please come in."

We all walked in and Mrs. Pevensie called the rest of her children. Susan, Peter, and Edmund came from the hall.

"Sabrina!" Peter exclaimed."Xavier!"

We hugged the rest of them and Susan showed me to her room. I would share her room and Xavier would share Peter's room.

Edmund, Peter, Xavier, and Lucy walked into Susan's room where Susan and I were.

"What brings you two here?" Edmund asked.

"Well, we have no family left." I replied.

"Oh yes, you mentioned that your grandmother died." Susan stated.

"We're sorry for your lost." Peter added.

Tears were falling down my cheeks. It hurt me just speaking about it. I didn't want to talk about it anymore.

"I-I don't want to talk about it." I said walking away from them.

" 'Brina." Peter called out to me.

"We're sorry." Susan said.

"Just leave me alone!" I cried."All of you!"

Xavier sighed."You heard her."

"Including you Xavier." I replied reluctantly.

With that they all left and they closed the door behind them. I faced the window and pulled out my violin.

In times like these I liked to be alone and play my violin. I took it out of its case and began to play beautiful music.

I got lost in the music that I had no idea that everyone had returned. They all clapped once I finished making me quite startled.

"Bravo!" Peter exclaimed.

I immediately put my violin back in its place as Susan spoke up.

"You play beautifully." She commented.

"Amazing." Lucy added.

"I told you." Xavier said with a cheeky smile.

I forced a smile."Thanks."

" 'Brina, you shouldn't be alone in times like these." Peter explained."You'll only hurt yourself."

"Sorry guys for yelling at you earlier, I don't know how to deal with this." I apologised.

"It's alright." Edmund said."Now continue to play on your violin."

With that I took out my violin and the rest of the day was spent like this.


The next day we got dressed in our uniform and grabbed our backpacks. I also grabbed my violin as we left the house.

Mrs. Pevensie dropped us off and we thanked her once again for the hospitality.

Susan and I were at a news stand. She and I were reading the news when a boy about Susan's age appeared before us.

"Hello." He said.

The boy had glasses and he looked like a total nerd. I tried not to laugh as he told her what school he was from.

"I've seen you sitting by yourself." The boy said.

"Oh my." I whispered to Susan who tried not to laugh.

"Yes, well I prefer being left alone." Susan retorted.

"Oooh." I said."This just got interesting."

"Uh, me too." The boy replied stupidly.

I snorted.

"What's your name?"

Susan invented a name and unfortunately, Lucy came yelling Susan's name.

"You'd better come quickly." Lucy said.

With that we both put our newspapers down. I was about to leave with Susan and Lucy when the boy grabbed my hand.

"Wait, what about you?"

I laughed."Not in your wildest dreams."

With that I scurried off and found Susan and Lucy who were down in the train station.

There was a group of children and teens. In the middle were teens fighting and I made out Peter, Edmund, and Xavier fighting other school boys.

It soon ended when a few soldiers broke it up. The crowd soon disappeared and we left to wait on a bench.

Edmund, Peter, and Xavier soon came with their things and Susan was scolding them.

"What was it this time?" Susan asked.

"He bumped me." Peter replied.

"So you hit him?" Lucy asked shocked.

"No, after he bumped me he tried to make me apologise and I hit him." Peter explained.

Oh dear.

"Is it that hard to walk away?" Susan retorted.

"No it's not like that, don't you get tried of being treated like a kid?" Peter asked.

"We are kids." Edmund said.

"Not all of us." I snapped.

"Yeah, and I wasn't always." Peter said."It's been two years, how long does he expect us to wait?"

"We aren't going back." Xavier said.

"I agree with Xavier, we have to accept that we live here." Susan stated."Oh no."

I then look over to see the nerd from earlier and I grin at Susan.

"Oh look Susan." I teased.

"Shut up." She hissed."Now pretend you're talking to me."

"We are talking to you." Peter said.

"Ouch!" Lucy yelped."I felt a pinch."

I felt a pinch as well and I got up. We began arguing and I told them to stop. The train began moving quickly before us.

"This isn't us, it's Aslan's work." I explained.

They all smiled at my words and Susan suggested we hold hands. We all held hands as we disappeared from the station and we were now in a sort of cave looking out at a beautiful ocean.

"Welcome back." I said.

"We're back home." Xavier exclaimed.

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