Chapter 4: Returning to Narnia

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We walked out of the cave and towards the ocean. We all ran in the water as we splashed one another and laughed. I left my case away from the water.

I splashed Peter and he came running towards me.

"No." I warned."Don't you dare."

He scooped me in his arms as I laughed. He then loosened his grip on me making me hold onto him tighter.

"Peter!" I exclaimed."Don't you dare drop me!"

He grinned at me."Too late."

With that I fell into the water on my back. I laughed as Xavier helped me up.

"What is it?" Peter then asked Edmund.

I looked over at Edmund who was looking at the ruins above us.

"Where do you suppose we are?" Edmund asked.

"Where do you think?" Peter replied.

"In Narnia, of course." I retorted.

"Yes, but I don't recall any ruins in Narnia." Edmund observed.

That's true. But many years must've gone by surely.

"Let's go check it out." Xavier suggested.

We then got out and I grabbed my case as we walked towards the ruins. We wandered about and I gasped. I remember now, it's where we ruled Narnia.

"I wonder who lived here." Lucy said.

"We did." I replied.

"She's right." Susan said as she picked up a chess piece.

"Hey, that's mine from my chess set." Edmund pointed out.

"Which chess set?" Peter asked.

"I didn't have a complete set of a solid gold chess set." Edmund explained as he grabbed the chess piece and put it in his bag."I was looking for this."

"It can't be." Lucy said.

We all ran over to the ruins and that's where I got the picture.

"Cair Paravel." Peter gasped.

"We use to rule here." I said

We then wandered around and found the room where all our things were. There were sixth chests, for each of us.

"I can't believe it's still here." Peter said.

I opened my chest to find the spell book, staff, my swords, my crown, and a few dresses.

"I was so tall." Lucy said holding a long dress.

"Well, you were old then." Susan reminded her.

"As opposed to a hundred years later." Edmund spoke up."When you're younger."

Peter pulled his sword out and spoke."When Aslan bares his teeth winter meets its death."

"When he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again." Lucy finished."Everyone we knew, Mr. Tumnus and the beavers, they're gone."

"I think we should find out what's going on." Peter said.

"You guys go on, 'Brina and I will stay behind." Xavier said.

"Why?" I asked.

"There are some things we need to do." Xavier said."Like take a look around."

"Alright." Peter said."We'll be back."

With that they all left and Xavier and I got changed into our Narnian clothing. I grabbed my weapons and my violin case. Xavier and I took a look around and we stumbled upon a forest.

There we got lost and we wandered for hours. I took my staff out and used it to continue to walk.

I was getting very tired. He thought he could find someone that'll tell us what is going on. He was so stubborn at times, then again I could be as well.

"Xavier, we should rest." I suggested."I'm so tired."

"In a minute sis." Xavier replied.

"You've been saying that for the past few hours!" I snapped.

"Fine, you want to rest then why don't you ask the people living over there!" He spat as he pointed to the small house under the tree.

"Fine, I will." I replied.

Xavier reluctantly followed along as I knocked on the door.

A small dwarf opened the door. He had a grey beard and sneered upon seeing us.

"What do the both of want?" He asked.

"We need to rest, can we come in?" I asked.

He pulled out his dagger."Why would I let Telemarines enter my home?"

Oh no! Xavier and I looked at one another. What are Telemarines? Oh my, what had I gotten us into?

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