Chapter 16: She Returns

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As soon as I walked inside the fortress, I felt cold, very cold. Something wasn't right. I ran down the hall and into the Stone Table and I gasped. Lucy, Peter, Xavier and Edmund were right behind me.

Caspian stood in front of the Stone Table and there she was, mother. She appeared to be trapped in ice and Caspian seemed to be under her spell. He was holding a hand out to her. Nikabrik, a wolf, and an old hag were with Caspian.

"Caspian no!" I yelled.

Lucy screamed and I turned to see that Nikabrik was walking towards her with a dagger in his hand.

I took out my staff and I quickly said a spell. It shot Nikabrik and he fell backwards.

Xavier was battling the wolf, while Edmund fought the old hag. I saw Peter entered her trance as well. Shit!

"Hello Peter, just one drop of your blood and I can return." She said trying to lure him in."You can't do this on your own."

"Peter don't!" I yelled as I ran over to him.

Peter held out his hand and I brought it down.

"Hello Sabrina, my lovely daughter." She said in a sweet tone, which made me sick."Convince Peter to give me a drop of his blood. And I will be able to come back. Don't you want to see your mother again?"

"I did, until I found out she was a heartless monster!" I spat."You're nothing to me, you know that? Xavier and I hate you."

"How can you say that to me?" She asked, pretending to sound hurt."I'm your mother, the one you gave you and Xavier life. Without me you two are nothing!"

"That's where you're wrong!" I protested."You sure don't act like our mother. And we would be so much without you. While you were gone a very loving elderly woman was taking care of us when you couldn't!

"You call yourself our mother when you were going to kill Xavier and I just for bloody power!"

"I-I have changed..." She said softly.

"Bullshit!" I spat."You'll never change."

At that moment, Edmund broke the barrier with his sword. He stabbed mother's stomach and she groaned out of the pain. The image of my mother was no more and all that lied on the ground were pieces of ice.

"I know, you had this all sorted out." Edmund said.

Caspian and Peter looked at each other. Susan walked in and she looked over at Caspian. Once she saw what happened, she gave Caspian a glare and stormed out.

I don't like how Caspian and Susan were looking at one another.

"And to think I thought you were good." Xavier sneered.

"I can't believe it." I said.

"Sabrina, it's not what it seems." Caspian said as he walked towards me.

"No, of course not." I mocked."I was just trying to bring back your mother who is by the way evil and tried killing her own children, you know nothing dangerous."

"Sabrina-" Caspian said.

I however cut him off."Don't Sabrina me! I can't believe you! And if it isn't bad enough that you haven't talked to me in days."

"How was I suppose to react when you kissed Peter?!" Caspian protested.

"Peter kissed me! I told him that it's you whom I truly love not him!" I argued.

This seemed to calm him down. Peter spoke up to defend me."It's true, she loves you Caspian."

"Sabrina, love I'm so sorry." Caspian said.

"Well, now it's my turn to be angry at you." I replied.

With that I stormed out of the room. I walked out of the fortress and I slammed my hands down on the ground, causing the ground to shake.

I am filled with rage right now. Not only does Caspian go behind my back to summon my mother, but he also looked at Susan in way I did not like.


I pulled my knees to my chest as tears came streaming down my eyes. I felt someone sit down next to me and it was Lucy.

"Brina, are you alright?" She asked.

I shook my head as I wiped my tears."No, Caspian almost summoned my mother, the one who tried killing Xavier and me and if that isn't enough..."

I trailed off not wanting to say the rest. I sighed as I looked far off into the distance.

"If what isn't enough?" Lucy asked.

"Nothing." I replied hastily."It's rather daft of me."

"Brina, you are brilliant. I don't think anything you'd say would be silly." Lucy assured me.

I turned back to see Lucy giving me a smile filled with encouragement. Lucy was definitely the younger sister I never got.

"I saw Susan and Caspian look at each other. I get so jealous..." I said as I clenched my fists.

"Brina!" Lucy exclaimed holding me in check."Control yourself."

I looked down at my fists to see that I accidentally blasted some trees down with my magic. Oh fuck.

"Blimey." I gasped."I-I didn't mean to..."

"You are the most powerful sorceress of Narnia you know." Lucy stated."But it seems like you're getting stronger."

I huffed out a sigh."I don't know what to think. Sometimes my magic gets stronger, other times I get weak, and then there's times when I can't control it."

Lucy placed a hand on my shoulder."I'm sure you'll figure how to control it."

"I hope so..."

"Susan loves Caspian." Susan confessed."I tried to tell her when she told me her feelings for Caspian...that's when I decided it wasn't appropriate to say."

My heart dropped. Susan loves Caspian...Xavier loves Susan...and Peter loves me. What love triangle is this!

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