Chapter 2: The Unfortunate News

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Shout out to @thugpugandfizzy Thank you for voting and commenting every one of my chapters😊 I appreciate it! So this chapter is dedicated to you! Hope you all enjoy.

Days went by and we remained in the hospital. Xavier and I took turns when we needed to use the loo or get something to eat from the cafeteria.

Xavier had come back from the loo. I was holding Mrs. Burkes's hand when I felt no pulse at all.

"Get the doctor!" I yelled at Xavier.

He quickly left and ran to get the doctor. I hope it was just my imagination. She has to get better, for us.

Xavier came back with the doctor and I let go of Mrs. Burkes hand as he approached her. After a minute, he turned back to us.

He sighed."I'm so sorry. She's dead."

I began cry as Xavier gave me a hug. Besides Xavier she was my only family I had while growing up.

"I truly am sorry." The doctor replied.

With that he placed the sheet over Mrs. Burkes's face. We were soon asked to leave and we returned to our home.

A letter came in from the Pevensies. I picked up the letter from the front porch while Xavier was talking care of the funeral of Mrs. Burkes.

She had a few friends that we know of. She also mentioned she had a twin sister, but she never spoke too much about her.

I sat down at my desk and opened the letter.

Dear Sabrina & Xavier Burkes,

How are you doing? I heard that your grandmother is ill. I hope she gets better! You two must be anxious and nervous.

We can't wait to see you again once school begins again. Please reply back soon.


Peter, Susan, Edmund, & Lucy Pevensie

I had tears in my eyes as I finished the letter. I grabbed a new piece of paper as I wrote back to them.

Dear Peter, Susan, Edmund, & Lucy Pevensie,

I wish we could say that we are doing well. Unfortunately, we are doing miserably. Our grandmother passed earlier today in front of our very eyes.

We are left to plan her funeral which would be before we go off to boarding school. However, now that we don't have family I am afraid of what will happen to us. I hope you four are alright.


Sabrina & Xavier Burkes

I sent the letter and I came straight back into the house. I was just hoping that it was all a dream, a bad dream.


The funeral took place and the friends arrived. After burying her, an old woman who looked an awful lot like Mrs. Burkes approached us.

"You're Mrs. Burkes's sister." I gasped.

She wore a sad smile."Yes I am. I am Elizabeth Watson."

"Pleasure to meet you, I am Sabrina Burkes and this is my twin brother, Xavier." I replied.

"Yes, I have heard of you two." Mrs. Watson said."And let me say thank you for being with my sister in her final years when she had no one else."

Xavier and I smiled.

"Not at all." Xavier said."She gave us one thing we needed and lacked."

"What is that?" She asked confused.

"Motherly love." I replied.

At that moment, a few kids ran up to her calling her grandmother. She smiled and turned to us.

"I am afraid I will be leaving." Mrs. Watson said."Once again, thanks."

With that everyone left and we headed back to our house. Later the day, someone knocked on the door.

Xavier opened the door and two men with suits came in. I immediately stood up once they entered.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am Mr. Brooks and this is Mr. Brams." The man with short dark black hair said.

"But what are you doing here?" Xavier asked.

"We are sending you two away to a foster home." Mr. Brams explained.

"Together?" I asked hopefully.

"No, you Miss Burkes will go to a family in the United States and you Mr. Burkes will go to Ireland." Mr. Brooks replied.

What?! Absolutely not! What about school?

"What about school?" I inquired.

"That will be provided by the foster family." Mr. Brams said."Now I expect you two to be ready tomorrow. We'll fetch you at noon."

With that the two men left and Xavier shut the door.

"What are we going to do?" I asked."I can't go to the United States."

"And I can't go to Ireland!" Xavier protested.

"I wish we were back in Narnia." I mumbled.

Xavier sighed."You know we won't be going back."

"I know." I replied."But we can always run away."

"To where?"

"We can ask the Pevensies if we can stay there for a while before deciding where to go." I suggested.

"Brilliant!" Xavier exclaimed."Let's pack our things."

With that we quickly packed all our things and I froze upon seeing a picture of Mrs. Burkes, Xavier, and me.

Next to the picture, I saw a locket and a note next to it.

Dear Sabrina,

I planned on giving you this gift for your eighteenth birthday. Even though we are not of the same blood I still feel as though you are truly my granddaughter. The same goes with Xavier. Make sure he knows that. You two have grown so much.

When I look at you, I still see the little girl who was lost. Please remember with this locket and never forget me. When the time comes I will eventually leave. But do not fret, I will be watching over you two.


Your grandmother

Tears were streaming down my eyes as I placed the letter in my coat. I grabbed the locket and placed it around my neck.

Oh grandmother. Why'd you have to leave us now? Please wish us luck.

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