Chapter 18: The Battle

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Peter, Xavier, Edmund, and me walked out to see the Narnians cheering us on. The Telemarines lied on the other side, yelling as well. Lucy was safe from any harm.

Peter turned to me and gave me a brief hug. He whispered into my ear. "Go back with Caspian."

I wanted to be there, but his look said do not push it. Thus, I held my tongue and nodded. "Understood Peter."

"Don't worry it'll take more than a mere Telemarine to kill Peter." Xavier assured me as he patted Peter's shoulder.

Peter chuckled. "That is right. We'll be fine."

I forced a smile. "That's what I hope for. I love the both of you dearly."

"And I love you back, sis." Xavier replied.

Peter merely smiled. He knew I only loved him as a brother and knew I couldn't correspond his feelings. With that I walked back to the Narnians.

I stood near Susan and next to Caspian. His hand found mine and he squeezed my hand.

"Don't worry, love. Everything will be alright. We'll win." Caspian assured me. "You'll see."

"I hope so Caspian. I'd hate to see anyone from our side get killed." I replied.

"We'll win and once I'm King I shall have you by my side as Queen." Caspian reassured me. "And your brother as my royal advisor and commander of my army."

My smile widened. "You are very considerate."

"I would do anything for you, love. And I want you and your brother to be happy." Caspian said.

"And that's why I love you."

"I love you more." He said teasingly.

We leaned in and our lips met. The kiss deepened quickly, however we pulled away knowing the duel would begin. I glanced back to check on the others and I swore that I saw a tear fall down Susan's eyes. I looked ahead of me and took a deep breath. Everything will be alright, Sabrina. You'll see.

We all waited as Miraz and Peter closed in to prepare to fight. I waited anxiously as they began to fight. Peter was stuck by the Miraz and fell back, however he quickly got up to his feet and struck the Miraz's leg.

They were both skilled, however it seemed Peter was going to lose as he fell to the ground. Miraz stomped on his arm, causing him to yelp out in pain.

Peter then rolled away from him and struck his shield. His shield flew out of his hands and Peter took this to his advantage to strike again. Peter struck again, above his chest which caused the Miraz to fall to the ground.

The two took a break and quickly spoke with Xavier, Edmund, and Caspian. Peter then returned to the duet as he slowly walked towards Miraz. He seemed like he was hurt very badly.

All the Narnians cheered for Peter and I held my breath, awaiting for the outcome. They both swung left and right, hurting each other and sending blows that knocked the other.

In the end Peter won, but he just glared at Miraz who was on his knees begging for his life.

"Now's not the time for chivalry, Peter!" Edmund yelled out.

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