With hands still shaking, the house-elf noticed Mrs. Malfoy did not hear her comment, and so, she proceeded to look up at the other woman sitting in the room, too.

It was widely known nothing ruffled Narcissa Malfoy's feathers. She was austere in the best of occasions, and unshakable in the worst; even without her title of Brightest Witch, Hermione could spot the turmoil her mother-in-law was currently experiencing from a mile away. So, with a small nod in Beta's direction, Hermione said, "Narcissa, is something the matter?"

Accepting that, regrettably, her masking skills were failing her, Narcissa still chose to return, "Everything is fine, dear."

Narcissa should have known better than to think her daughter-in-law would be easily distracted with her fake, reassuring smile. "If there is anything I can help you with, tell me. We are family, are we not?"

"We are," agreed Narcissa, "but, really, it's an odd case of nostalgia, Hermione. I am getting rather old; I'm prone to it now. I miss my grandchildren and the Christmas holiday seems so far away."

Hermione narrowed her eyes, but accepted Narcissa's choice to stray from the topic. "Scorpius tells me he writes to you frequently. He misses you just as much, as does Ana. Besides, Teddy visits often, too, does he not? With Andromeda, I hear."

Narcissa held on to her feigned smile. It would not do to mention the Black sisters were forced to stop visiting each other a few days back. "Of course, dear. Teddy is required to visit me at least twice a week. He knows  I love how he brightens up this place." With a clever clearing of her throat, she reached for her forgotten teacup and said, "Ariana's birthday is approaching. Any plans for her thirteenth?"  

"Cho wants to throw a conjoined party for her and Savanna. It seems like the best idea so far given that Ana never wants any form of celebration. You know how she is, terribly shy and all."

"She reminds me of Draco," Narcissa whispered into her cup before taking a careful sip. Her fingers titters on the handle, but both women pretended it had not happened. "During war and post..."

Before Hermione could ask her mother-in-law what she meant, the doors to the sitting room opened, allowing Mister Malfoy and Demi in. 

"There you are, sweetheart." Hermione fixed her eyes on her daughter, wobbling her way closer to her with the help of her grandfather. "I'm sorry for the disruption, Mister Malfoy. I didn't realize she had crawled away."

With a blank expression, but with very adoring eyes, Lucius Malfoy looked down at his youngest granddaughter with that unapproachable affection that invaded his heart from the very first time he held her. That fond memory brought forth the ones of his first holding of Scorpius and Ariana, too. They were his greatest joys in what was left of his godforsaken life. 

"It is no trouble at all, Hermione. I always have time for her."

Hermione let a smile appear on her face, stretching it with feigned emotions as he moved turned his silver eyes on her.

After all this time—after these fifteen years, things between Hermione and Lucius Malfoy had not gotten warm. Their interaction was always polite, but very forced. Neither of them ever spoke more than what was required, and both knew perfectly well that a relationship of in-laws was never going to exist between them. They just shared their love for Draco, their affection for Narcissa, and their blood with Scorpius, Ariana, and Demetria.

She cleared her throat, trying to get rid of the awkward silence. "I hope she didn't interrupt your business meeting with that Ministry Official."

 "Business meeting?" Mister Malfoy raised his blonde eyebrow, staring at Hermione with a slight confusion. "What business—" Stopping, Lucius caught the expression his wife was wearing, her worry glowing strongly in every centimeter of her face. "Oh. Well, yes. Auror Johnson was here with a memo from Mister Potter, but nothing important."

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