Chapter 15

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••••3/5 weeks later••••

Faryal's Engagement day was approaching and we had so many preparations to do. We all very busy because the day after the engagement would be the wedding but on faryal's Wedding day it would be mine and Abbas engagement we were all excited.

We decided to go on a wee holiday before the wedding so Abbas booked a flight to Dubai and New York

We had to go to Dubai so that we would get good wedding clothes and we had to go to New York because they have amazing shopping places there and breathtaking wedding rings.

We packed our luggages and went to the airport it was Me, Abbas, Faryal, Hussain, Azeem and Zara.

Me and Abbas was sitting in one side and Zara and Azeem on the other and Faryal and Hussain at the back.

We all were so tired we fell asleep until we arrived in Dubai.

When we landed in Dubai it was night and the weather was great it was so warm and cosy, we checked into our hotel and then went to a restaurant to have some food, Dubai night life is just amazing surprisingly people are out and about. We went to the beach for a midnight walk it was beautiful under the moon, the sand was so soft it was so romantic.

We decided to go back to the hotel and watch some movies as we had been sleeping for a very long time in the airplane. I decided to Skype with mum and then Abbas's mum I wasn't really used to calling Abbas's mum my mum as I called her Aunty it would take time getting used to after that we all watched a movie and then went to sleep.


We went to the gold market and bought a lot of heavy jewellery then we selected our wedding clothes and things for the wedding we bought everything we needed. Now it was time to relax me, Faryal and Zara went to the spa while Abbas, Azeem and Hussain were playing video games in the hotel when we came back we decided to go to the swimming pool

Me and Abbas went first I bought a exotic drink and sat on the seats for a while as the weather was beautiful, we got up and walked towards the swimming pool. We then bumped into Armaan, I was totally shocked and I didn't realise that I still had the glass in my hand I was so angry that it smashed into my hand. Abbas quickly went to get the first aid kit, my hand was bleeding very much Armaan came and tried to help me I pushed him away he got closer and closer I kept moving backwards until I fell into the swimming pool I didn't know how to swim I started to drown, Armaan quickly jumped into the swimming pool and got me out I wasn't breathing he tried C.P.R but it didn't work so he had to call the ambulance. By that time Abbas came back and he found me unconscious the ambulance came and took me to the hospital, I wasn't getting up they tried everything the last 24 hours were critical they put me on life support. Everyone was praying for me, Armaan came and wanted to come in and see me but Abbas came and said,"Don't you dare try to meet her! This happened all because of you!

"I'm very sorry i didn't mean it. Armaan mumbled".

The doctor came out and said,"Who's Abbas Khan? Abbas ran and said,"I'm Abbas, Aliyah's fiancé.

The doctor continued,"Please come in the patient is calling for you.

Abbas ran in and me laying there, tears were coming out of his eyes he then said,"Aliyah I love you I'm never going to let you get out of my sight.

"I love you too Abbas I replied.

The doctor came in and said,"your allowed to go back home now but one of your family members fill out a form please.

Abbas went to sign the form

Armaan came in and said,"Aliyah I'm so so sorry please forgive me, for everything that I did. If anything was to happen to you I would never forget myself I already let you go before and I won't let it happen again.

"Let it happen again?! What do you mean there won't be another time

I never want to see you again after what you did Armaan!

"I understand Aliyah but let me tell you one thing that girl you seen she wasn't my ex girlfriend nor do I love her I had to fake it all for your sake! Sophie your so called best friend couldn't stand that you were with me so she said,"if You don't leave her I will ruin her life!

She was jealous of you and only using saif to get to me! I was only protecting you.

~~Armaan showed me proof~~

I didn't know what to do I'm about to marry Abbas the person that I truly love with all my heart but then there's Armaan my best friend whom I thought I loved but then hated and now I know he didn't cheat in me I don't know what to do. I decided to do what my heart said I love Abbas it's my fate to be with him.

We went to to the hotel and packed out luggages and went to New York for a day It was really good we bought our wedding rings and went back. At the airport everyone was waiting, mum made all my favourite food and Maryam was glad to see us all and was delighted to see all the gifts we got her

We had a long week so we rested for a couple of days then make to wedding preparations.

Ishq Wala LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ