Chapter 16

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•••Faryal's engagement day•••

Faryal was looking like a princess in her engagement dress everyone was watching as she came. Hussain and Faryal exchanged the rings and there was a performance from Abbas to me

He sang tum hi ho and proposed to me in front of everyone I said yes and roses fell from the stage it was prefect.

••••Faryal's wedding••••

Everything happened so fast that we didn't even realise it was time for Faryal to go, it was meant to be mine and Abbas's engagement but plans change as Abbas got an offer for a really good job and it is going to graduation day next week. We all did a lot of Bhangra and dancing the wedding was great. Everyone started cry because Faryal was going and I was next.

A few weeks later i finally graduated and Abbas got a job everything was going well Zara was pregnant And Faryal had settled into her new house.

The family decided to get me and Abbas engaged but there always something happened that would make us very busy.

~~~A Few Months~~~

Zara gave birth to a baby boy we named him Kaz, Faryal was pregnant and me and Abbas finally got engaged, we planned to get married after a couple of months later as I had to go finish med school and become a doctor so we had to postpone the wedding.

Armaan comes to our house every week because he needs my help as he likes a girls and he's about to propose to her Abbas doesn't know because Armaan told me not to yet until she says yes

So me and Armaan have been quite close recently which makes Abbas jealous I'm worried that he doesn't misunderstand everything but I know he's not like that he will surely understand.

One day Armaan came so excitedly to our house and I was in my room he shut the door and told me he was going to propose to her today then Abbas walked in and Armaan was whispering it to me but Abbas thought he was kissing my neck! he got really angry and got Armaan by the collar and kicked him out the house I tried stopping him but he didn't listen. He was about to slap him and I came in the way Abbas got more angry wondering why I protected him I told him to listen to me but he didn't, he went away. I told Armaan to go home ill sort it out and told the family the truth about Armaan, I went to Abbas but he didn't open the door so I climbed through his window and went into his room but he ignored me until i went beside him and fainted. The doctors came and said,"She is very weak, please don't stress her we don't knows what's going on with her but we will take some blood tests and then let your GP know".

"Ok doctor, when will she regain conscious said Abbas.

The doctor replied,"In a couple of minutes don't worry".

I finally regained conscious and Abbas was by my side I tried telling him what happened but he didn't listen and then I said,"Can you please call Armaan for me?".

He replied,"oh so I have been worried about you and looking after you but your still concerned about him".

"No Abbas please at least listen to me"

At that moment I felt dizzy again and held my head tight as it was hurting very much. Abbas ran and started comforting me I fainted again into his arms. The doctor came back and said,"This isn't normal there is something definitely wrong, we need to get the results back quick and take her to the hospital".

They took me to the hospital and surrounded me with machines the family was waiting outside and the doctor went and said."Aliyah is in a coma we don't know when she will wake up maybe in an hour, 24 hours, weeks, months, years or never......

Abbas's heart just sinked at the moment and began to cry he blamed it on himself and said,"Its all my fault only if I listened to her and didn't stress her that much she was only trying to tell me something but I didn't listen! he started hitting himself banging his head on walls, Zara came and tried comforting him and said,"Abbas don't worry Aliyah will be ok.

Armaan walked in and said,"Abbas please listen to me it's not Aliyah's fault at all trust me she was only keeping a secret for me basically I liked a girl and proposed to her and asked Aliyah for advice she wanted to tell you but I didn't let her because if the girl I like said no I would have been embarrassed that's why I stopped her from telling anyone and I wasn't kissing her I was whispering to her so nobody knows about the secret. I'm very sorry I didn't think something like this would happen.

Abbas said,"Its ok I'm sorry too I misunderstood everything but because of me Aliyah is in a coma! Armaan went up to Abbas and hugged him

And said,"Don't worry Aliyah is a brave strong girl in sha Allah nothing will happen just pray and everything will be fine". Abbas smiled and said,"hey why can't we be friends:) Armaan smiled back and said,"of course.

•••Everyone waited in the waiting room••

~~24 hours later ~~

The doctor came and said,"Congratulations Aliyah is out of a coma and will regain conscious in a while this is truly a miracle".

I finally regained conscious the whole family was around me and Abbas was right next to me and said,"I'm sorry for everything, I love you so much and kissed me in front of everyone.

I felt very shy but couldn't look away as everyone was looking at me Armaan came and said,"Aliyah she said Yes! We are getting married soon and I told Abbas everything the whole family knows now and oh me and Abbas are best friends now".

Everyone was happy I felt as if my life was complete then the doctor came back in and said,"You make take her home now.

I came back home and seen Welcome back banners and balloons i was only away for a while but everyone missed me, I felt blessed having such a loving caring family and friends.

~~A few weeks later~~

Abbas would come every morning and give me breakfast in bed it was so sweet we weren't even married yet but he cared about me so much I started wondering about what would happen when we actually do get married.

The family started discussing about the wedding it's been such a long time we want them to get married but something keeps happening or they are busy. Zara shouted,"Thats it how long will they wait I think we should get them married already".

Everyone agreed and decided to get as married after 2 weeks.

All of a sudden one day Abbas's phone started ringing it was Abbas's friend saying she is coming and wants to meet me. The door rang and a tall average looking women was standing there wearing a red dress she came in and said,"Hey you must be Aliyah right?

I replied yes and you must be Rabia.

Abbas came and said,"Rabia you here:O I haven't seen you since I came back from America you look so different. he told her to sit down and the butler bought tea, we were all talking she was quite nice but there was something about her I didn't like.

She was going to stay here for a couple of days and then go back to America .

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