Chapter 9

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We were already missing Zara and wanted to meet her as soon as possible so we quickly got to the hall and sat at a table. Azeem and Zara walked in

Everyone was saying Mash'Allah what a beautiful couple. They went and sat at the stage we then went to meet them I kissed my sister and hugged my jeejo and then saw the guy who caught me when I was about to fall at the mehndi, Azeem cleared his throat and introduced us he said,"Sorry Aliyah I forgot to introduce you to my little brother Abbas".

"Your brother.

Azeem said,"lol yes Aliyah he came from America.

I looked at him stunned and he was so handsome and has green eyes!!

Out of the blue I shouted,"Are your eyes normally green! :O :O

He laughed, Yes Aliyah they are my real eye colour. I couldn't stop looking into his eyes he was so handsome like Prince Charming then i realised Armaan would be getting angry, and what was I doing how would I look at someone else like that!

I lowered my glaze and looked for Armaan I asked everyone where he was but nobody knew so I went looked for him, I couldn't find him anywhere so I went out the hall and went to the garden I saw him from the side as I got closer I saw him with a girl he was hugged her! I went to him and asked him who she was he said,"That she is his ex-girlfriend and that he loves her and has no feeling for me. At that moment all my hopes and dreams were shattered I could feel my heart break how would he do this to me.

I got angry and slapped him a cross his face everyone outside could have heard the slap, I walked away in tears and sat beside the fountain. I cried my eyes out and then I felt someone's hands on my shoulder. It was Abbas he heard what happened and came to comfort me I was really heartbroken. I hugged him and he hugged me back I held on to him for a couple of min. My head was in his chest I heard his heart beat and suddenly pushed away I didn't realise what I was doing.

He looked me in the eye and said," Don't cry he's an idiot he don't know what he has lost, you deserve much better than him, Everyone must we waiting inside let's go he wiped my tears and out of nowhere it began to rain so he took his jacket off and put it over me.

We went back in and I went to the bathroom to freshen up the Walima was over the guests went home it was only Me, Sophie, Saif, Armaan and Abbas there. Armaan was about to come and say something to me but Abbas stood by me and said Don't you dare to come near Aliyah ever again! Armaan said," Oh Well done as soon as I left you, you found someone else! It hadn't even been a day yet and now your with him! Abbas lost his temper he said angrily,"Saif Take Aliyah and Sophie away I'm coming.

Armaan said," Saif don't listen to him your my friend not his! Then Saif said,"No Armaan I'm not your friend anymore how dare you do this to Aliyah she is like a sister to me, we can't be friends not after what you have done!!

Saif left with me and Sophie, Armaan and Abbas were still in the hall they started fighting and punching each other. Abbas came out and dropped us all off at our houses, When I got home I went to my room and locked the door and started to cry. My phone started to vibrate I got a text from an unknown phone it said,"Hey Aliyah it's Me Abbas I was just wondering if you were ok? And if you need someone to talk to I'm here oh btw I got your number from Bhabi before you think how I got it:) I hope you reply.

I texted back I'm fine thankz and aaw ok I hope I don't mind but I'm really tired and don't want to talk right now hope you understand.

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