Chapter Twenty-Five (Past)

Start bij het begin

                              "No! Help me Fred!" I extended my arms as far as I could, waving up and down trying to reach Fred's. He didn't grab my hands like I though he would, on the contrary, he smiled at me and moved backward.

                               "Traitor! I'll tell Luce about it!" I struggled my way out from the she-devil's hands, but failed. I thought she would scold at me but she threw me in front of the mic and walked towards her piano.

                                I looked at her weirdly, and then I remembered it was time.

                               I posed, one hand grabbing the mic and the other grabbing the stand. 


                                The crowd was screaming wildy, as I expected when I reached the last chorus of 'Beautiful'. I smiled proudly in my heart as I was so grateful that I was blessed with such gift that not every human being could hold. But as I was singing, I heard a loud crack sound that I believe only I could hear. But when I was about to react, the stagelight had fallen onto the stage, crashing itself onto Fred.

                                 What happened at the time, was a big blurry scene and darkness came second.

                                  When I woke up, I was in the hospital.

                                  My mother was fallen asleep beside me. I tried to sat up without making too much movements but failed as she began to wake up. When she saw me with her sleepless eyes, they poured out salty liquid as she kept on hugging me. It pained to see her like this, I didn't wish to hurt her.

                                 "Aaron. Are you okay? You scared the life out of me! Don't you do that to me ever again!" She kissed my forehead. I tried to calm her by telling several 'I'm okay', 'no worry', 'Fine' and some jokes. They seemed to brighten her up a little bit. But I could still see she was hiding something from me. Then I remembered Fred.

                                 “How's Fred?" She didn't look at me as she poured me water into a glass.

                                 "Mom... Where is Fred?" The silence screamed the truth, but I didn't want to believe, if I could.

                                  The next couple hours, I shed so many tears I thought I would become blind. When my mother told Fred was dead and the Delgado was moving away from the state, I couldn't breathe and nearly made my mother pressed the red button for the doctor to check on me.

                                   "This letter, was from Luce. She wanted you to read it. I'll go tell your father you are okay, for now." She gave me an envelope and walked out from the room to give me space.

                                   I opened the envelope, revealing the letter that would change my life.

                                   I didn't lie, it had really changed me.

                                   We moved, along with the Bank to another place. We started our new life here, trying our best to forget about the past that caused us pain and sorrow. We did, mostly my parents and Alice's parents. They started to believe the fact that we were living here all along, throwing the accident at the back of their minds. Yes, I did too so as Alice. We studied in the public school and met Seth and Cedric.

                                    Alice had sworn to never play the piano ever again and she then turned into a girl who wanted to get a scholarship and enroll in Harvard or Oxford. Although I should do the same thing, but let's face it, I was to born to sing.

                                     With that, I joined the choir hoping to fill the emptiness. But soon my choir teacher, Miss Carmen found out my incredible range and told me that I should go solo, not hiding in the background. She said I was no Kelly Rowland but Beyonce. I felt offended because I was clearly not a girl and I did not sing like one.

                                     Alice didn't approve the fact I was once again forming a band, so as my parents. But I told them I wanted this so much, eventually, they gave in. Alice was not happy about it but she still suppported me in every way she could. Then, 'Forever Yours' was formed.

                                     Well, the part that I turned gay was when I couldn't accept other girls grinding themselves at me. The only girl I loved would always be Luce, although she broke mine like a piece of shit. That's why I started to drive to the another road in full speed, without looking back.



                                    But here I was, fire burning inside of me like I had always had. She too, had the same light in her eyes. Were we on the same page?

                                    "Aaron, is she telling the truth?" That voice snapped me back, forcing me to pull my gaze on her to look at him, the one I was supposed to be deeply in love with. Was I?

                                    "Tell me this bitch was fake, tell me Aaron!" He shouted at me, gripping my shoulders harshly causning me to groan.

                                     "Stop it!" Alice pushed away Dean and wrapped my arms to walk away. I let her, because I couldn't move my feet like them had been attached to the ground permanently.

                                      I looked at both of them.

                                      The girl I had wanted to marry since I'd been with her. The only one I thought I would ever love, but turned out to be an unjust and cruel woman. Still, I couldn't deny I was still hoping she was with me.

                                       The boy I had dreamt to touch him finally standing here beside me. The only I thought would ever love too after her. But now, I was having doubt that if I was really gay when she was here.

                                        I was in dilemma.


I am NOT abanding this story although I DID on-hold it for a while.

But here it's. Hope you all keep reading it! Because I found out recently everyone lost interest in this story.

This story is about to end. So please read it until the end, you won't be disappointed.

Check out my new bxb story 'Split' and another new story 'It's Only Matter It's Beating'

Thank you ^.^

Special shoutout for RunRampage^.^ 


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