"The wolves didn't bite him so he would be fine once he feeds." Riccardo said.

I nodded with a small smile. "That's good; I hope he gets well soon."

My mind idly wondered if the little blood he drank of mine from last night healed him just as it did with Riccardo.

"You're really worried about him aren't you?" Riccardo asked nonchalantly.

"N-no, I mean of course I would be worried, after all he was in that condition because of me." I answered.

Riccardo stared at me for a moment before he spoke, in a flat tone. "William is my friend yes, but he also knows that it's his job to protect anyone royal or related to royals."

"So there's no need to be so worried." He added.

"Riccardo, I want you to know that I only offered him my blood last night out of friendship and concern." I said.

Riccardo's face hardened. "Friends don't offer each other blood in my world and I want you to remember that." he said sternly.

I rolled my eyes. "It was just blood."

Riccardo grasped my shoulder. Something about his tight hold told me I just spoilt his mood. "Offering blood is big deal in my world, no one just shares blood with anybody."

"William is a friend-"

"No!" Riccardo snapped and tightened his hold on my shoulder. "Friend or not, you do not offer your blood to anyone, not to William, not even Gabriella. Do I make myself clear?" he asked.

"Why is it such a big deal?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Would you sleep with William or anyone else for that matter, despite being with me?" He asked thickly.


"Sharing blood is far more intimate than that, especially when it's offered and not forcefully taken. Blood is life to us, and when someone offers their blood freely it's like offering a part of your life and I will not tolerate anyone else drinking even a drop of your blood."

As each word left his mouth one thought only occurred to me, 'what have I done?' I knew that I made a big mistake by offering my blood to William, I don't know what I was thinking, maybe I was emotionally strained and couldn't think straight, maybe seeing William in such a pitiful state closed off my logic and I instinctually gave him my blood.

Riccardo would be beyond furious if he found out I gave my blood to William, he was angry with just the thought of it imagine what he'd do if he found out. Oh God, I made a grave mistake.

"You didn't actually go ahead and offer him your blood behind my back did you?" Riccardo asked looking directly in my eyes.

Ignoring the discomfort on my shoulder from his grasp I swallowed and shook my head after tearing my eyes away from his. I couldn't look him in the eye and lie, because apart from it being wrong I knew he'd instantly know I'm lying.

Riccardo looked at me blankly for a moment before his lips turned slightly at the corners. "Of course you didn't, it was silly of me to ask. I know you wouldn't defy me, especially after I explained how wrong it will be."

He let go of my shoulder and kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry for questioning you; I just don't want to share you with anyone. You're only mine Princess."

I felt bile rise in my throat for a second, I hated lying to him but I knew if I answered honestly it would be disastrous for me and even worse for William. I could easily tell that Riccardo had a temper - heck seeing the fury on his face from last night told me that - so imagine what he'd do to William if he found out that William actually drank the blood I offered, he would surely kill William and stop speaking to me for days, weeks or probably months.

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