Chapter 19 - (1.7K Words)

Start from the beginning

Yoongi was thrown lazily against the couch closest to the pool table, with a pool cue in his hand. He was busy applying chalk to the end of the cue. He took the chalk away from the end of the cue, and set it down on the end table beside him. His eyes went from the chalk directly into yours.You instantly averted your eyes and stepped away from the door.

"I-I'm sorry, Yoongi. I'll leave you to your game," you stuttered, your face turning bright red from embarrassment. You hadn't seen or heard him come into the room, and there was only one way in or out besides the locked door. You would have noticed him, right?He was always there when you least expected him to be.

You quickly turned on your heel to leave the room, but you felt a hand come to rest on your shoulder. Millions of things were going through your head. You could feel beads of sweat as they started to form on your forehead.

"Do you really want to know what's down there?" Yoongi asked you, setting the cue down on the floor and rummaging through his pocket. "I can show you if really want to know. It's not all that exciting, but..."

His hand trailed down the length of your arm until it came to rest in your open hand. He firmly held your hand, and waited for you to follow him. You gulped, and willingly let him pull you towards the door.

Once you were both standing in front of the door, he let go of your hand, and started searching through his pocket. You kept your eyes on the ground, still fairly embarrassed that he had caught you.

"Here we go," he said, holding up a long, grey laniard that held four keys.

He carefully scrutinized the keys, and then after a minute, slid one of the keys into the lock on the doorknob. You looked at the three other locks on the door, and figured that their keyholes must have been on the other side of the door. The knob turned smoothly, and he opened the door without another problem.

"Well, you wanted to know what was down here, right?" Yoongi asked, putting himself between the wall and the open doorway. He was holding the door open with the flat of his palm, and the laniard was now hanging loosely from his neck.

You slowly nodded, and Yoongi sighed, clearly annoyed. You immediately looked up, hoping that he wouldn't explode with anger, like he did for breakfast.

"Well come on, then," he said, pushing through the doorway without you. He disappeared into the darkness, leaving you alone in the lounge. You caught the door in your hand before it could close, and you quickly followed after him into the dark.

It didn't take you long to figure out that immediately inside of the door, there were stairs. You stumbled and tried to grab for something to steady yourself. You caught yourself on what was probably railing before you could fall and really hurt yourself, but you could hear Yoongi snickering from somewhere in the darkness.

He's laughing?!

"I forgot to mention, there are stairs, and the light switch is at the very bottom," you could hear Yoongi as he tried his best to quiet himself. "I'll help you down the rest of the way, if you can tell me where you're at."

"I'm fine," you said, pulling yourself up so you were standing. "I don't need your help, but thank you."

"But I insist," he said, sounding closer than he had been before. "Because if you fall again, I might pee my pants from laughter."

You smiled at the thought, and rested yourself on the railing. You couldn't hear the stairs creaking anymore, and you wondered where Yoongi was. Only moments later, you felt something brush against your side, and you shied away from the touch.

"Relax, it's only me," Yoongi whispered, still chuckling. "Give me your hand."

Your hands found each other's in the darkness and clasped together. Yoongi carefully lead you down the long flight of stairs, chuckling whenever you stumbled, even slightly. In no time, you were safely at the bottom of the staircase.

Yoongi flipped the switch, and row after row of lights began to turn on, illuminating the room. You blinked, and covered your eyes, shocked by the sudden brightness of the room. You waited for your eyes to adjust, and you were disappointed when you looked around the room.

"It's a garage."

You saw cars of all makes and models, including the black SUVs that you had been driving around. Most of the cars were black, and had tinted windows, but there were seven or eight that looked different than all the others. The most interesting car was a red convertible with two white racing stripes down the middle.

"I told you it wasn't that interesting," Yoongi said, leaning up against the wall and picking the dirt out of his fingernails. "Do you at least like the cars?"

"That one's okay," you said, pointing to the red convertible.

"That's it?" Yoongi asked, coming up to stand beside you. "Not that I'm complaining about your choice, but you can do better than the Eleven Ball."

"The Eleven Ball?" You turned your head, and gave Yoongi a confused look.

"It's what we call the convertible," he said, scratching the back of his neck and looking up at the ceiling. "Because it's red and the white stripes down the middle make it look like a pool ball."

You laughed and nodded your head, hoping Yoongi wouldn't mind too much. You didn't want to accidentally spark his temper again.

"And speaking of pool, I need to get upstairs and find Taehyung so we can finish our game," Yoongi said, stepping away from you and back towards the stairs.

"How do you play pool?" You asked, following him to the foot of the stairs.

"It's kind of complicated to explain, but I can teach you when we--Shit."

You looked up, and at the top of the stairs was Jimin. His arms were crossed over his chest, and he was shaking his head.

"You two are in so much trouble."

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