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I woke up being carelessly thrown in the back seat of the car. He had knocked me out with his gun and now I had a pouding headache. I tried to sit up but my feet and wrists were  bound together by rope.  I screamed as loud as I could And whoever was driving slammed on his break and pulled to the side of the road. He sighed before he jumped out of his seat and came around to the back. I looked at him with wide eyes. He lifted his hand to smack me but then he just shook his head and dropped his hand. He roughly sat me up and squeezed my cheeks his thumb and pointer finger going into my jaw. I whimpered when he squeezed harder. He slowly leaned in. 

"I'm not cruel, Annabell. But you have to listen and do whatever I say. I won't hurt you. Understand?"I nodded slowly as tears spilled from my eyes. He let go of my jaw and wiped my tears then kissed my cheek and when he walked away he mumbled "You were always a sweetheart." I drifted to sleep as tears spilled from my eyes and my headache seemed to get worse. 

I was being roughly and carelessly thrown over someones shoulder when I woke up. I couldn't see anything because my eyes were covered by something. I started shaking and I heard a chuckle as we walked in a house, or apartment...I didn't know where we were but I could tell we were in a room with a TV on. 

"So, that's her?" The woman asked. She had a deeper voice that men think is seductive. The man sighed and threw me on something cushiony and I was greatful because it was way more comfortable then anything I've been on the past couple of hours. "What are you going to do to her?" She said in a disgusted tone. 

"What ever it takes," The man said. I felt cold hands touch my face and whatever was over my eyes was now yanked off my face. There was a girl with long dark hair and brown eyes staring at me. She slowly walked over to me and smacked me in the face as hard as she could and I gasped and started crying. She only laughed. 

"This is your fault you stupid whore!" She spat it me.

"W-what are you talking about?" I said in a small voice. She only laughed and threw her head back.

"Don't play innocent with me I know how much of a bitch you are." She said with a smirk.

This boiled my blood and my face turned red. "Well if you're so innocent then why am I here with YOU being slapped in the face? Why bitch?" As soon as I said it i regeret every minute of it. The woman looked at the man with evil in here eyes and growled "Get her," The man shook his head and picked my up by my hair and thew me on the ground. I screamed when I hit the hard floor. The woman walked up and cut the rope off of my wrist and ankles and the man grabbed my hair quickly giving her a confused look. 

"I want to see her suffer." She mumbled sitting on the couch. The man once again grabbed a fistful of my hair and begun dragging me. When I didn't scream he pulled harder and I thrust my hands towards his to try and remove his hand. He only laughed and when my dress flew up and the brunette becan laughing I screamed more. The floor had nails in it and my underwear were getting caught and ripping. I screamed and kicked and cried untill i was dragged down a long flight of stair into a basement. The man picked me up over his shoulder and when he threw me on the bed he grabbed my underwear, ripping the remains from my body. Luckily my dress had flopped back down and I was convered. I whimpered and tried to calm my crying as he pased for a minute untill sitting by my face. 

"What do you want?" I spat at him?

"I want your money." He said blankly. 

"What money?" I asked confused. 

"Don't play stupid. Your inheritance."

I shook my head. "I don't have acces to it." I mumbled. I could see his eyes seem to harden. 

"If you just give me the money, then we can get this over with." He said through gritted teeth.

"I don't know where it is!!" I screamed. 

The man quickly sat up and began pacing then he hit the bed with his fist. He got close to my face and whispered. "I will give you one, and I mean one, day to let you figure out where the money is. If you decide you don't want to tell me, then there WILL be consequences." He threatened. 

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