I Promise.

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"Hello madam," Liam pulled my chair out for me in the crowded, overly expensive restaurant. He had dark hair and dark mysterious eyes with long eyelashes every girl wished to have. I smiled politely at him.  "Hello, Liam."  "Er, you'll have to excuse me. I've forgotten you're name. I'm terribly sorry." He had a french accent. He did seem apologetic. But I still sighed and had to fight back rolling my eyes. Even bikers with tattoos and only a motorcycle as a car had the decency to remember my name. Nonetheless, I should not be rude.  "Annabel. Annabel Rose Bilatcci" I smiled politely.   "Ah, Annabel Rose. What a lovely name." He grabbed my hand and kissed it. I pulled it back softly, uncomfortably.  "But you didn't have the decency to remember it? Hmm, interesting." I sighed.   "I'm truly sorry, Annabel." He smiled flashing his perfect white teeth.   Just then the waitress appeared.  "Hi! I'm Ashley! Ill be serving you today. Can I start with your drinks?" She was too peppy. Long brown hair down to her waist and brown eyes. She looked at me without smiling then flashed a big smile to Liam. He smiled back of course. What a charmer.   "Red whine for the both of us." He said.   Uhh, why did he just order for me. "Actually, I'll a sweet tea. Thanks." I looked at Liam and he looked disgusted so I just smiled. When the Ashley walked away he stared, and I mean started at her ass. I may be polite on the outside, but on the inside I'm just waiting to explode. I might explode tonight actually.   "So, I guess I'll call you again later for another date." He smiled. The night had went slow and boring. No laughing. Just small talk. Boring. I honestly never wanted to see his rich preppy self demanding sexist self again. But it wasn't my decision. At all.   "We'll see," I smiled flirtatiously. If I'm GonnAh be with him, might as well had fun. I was leaning against a brick wall. He was getting me a taxi since he for some reason couldn't drive me. Wouldn't tell me why. What a loser.   He laughed, and took a step in my direction. He pushed a lock of hair behind my ear making me uncomfortable. I looked at me feet. He stepped closer and pit a finger under my chin to look in my eyes. He leaned into kiss me when my taxi rolled up. I went under his arm that was leaning against the brick wall.   "Welp, looks like my rides' here. See you next time." I quickly jumped in the taxi. He didn't move just stood there then looked back at me confused.   "Where to mrs?" The fat taxi driver asked me, eating a chili cheese dog. I told him my address   "Just, uh, wait one sec." I got out of the taxi and walked over to Liam and wrapped my arms around his neck for about 3 seconds then released. He smiled. "I don't kiss on the first day, Liam." I gave a crooked smiled. A 'no-duh-but-still-cute' smile.  "Of course. Classy, not trashy." He smiled. ***** Liam: I stepped into my car and sighed. No girl had ever denied me if a kiss non ever. I have money, looks, personality. Everything. "What's the matter, baby?" My bitch for the night coo'd. Her name was Amanda. "Nothing, sweethearts. Lets just get on our way. I need you to distract me. It's a bumpy ride home. Think you can handle it?" I challenged smiling. She laughed "I can handle anything." She unzipped my pants and pulled me out and I was ready for a good night. ***** Annabel: I walked in the front door exhausted and ready to get out of this damn beautiful yet uncomfortable tight dress and these painful yet sexy high heels. I plopped on the couch and let out a long breath. My mom ran down the stairs. She jumped next to me like a teenager would, ready to hear the latest gossip about her best friends sex life.   "So so so! How was he?!" She beamed.  "He forgot my name, mom. Greaaaat choice" I rolled my eyes. She fell back on the couch annoyed and rolled her eyes.   "Just give him a chance, sweetheart." She breathed. I didn't want to he was a jerk. "Did you kiss him?!" She sat up eagerly again smiling.  "No mother."  "Ugh, you're boring."  "And you're supposed to be my mom, not my friend. Which is exactly how you're acting."  "Oh, loosen up." She jumped off the couch. "Do you want a snack?" This was her way of acting like a mother.  "I just ate."  "Drink?"  I sighed. "Yes," she walked in minutes later with a soda. "Mom, I really don't ever even want to date him, especially not marry."  "It's for your own good. For all of our own good."  "Who cares about it all though? Who cares? I know I don't!" My voice was getting louder.  "I do dammit! Your father, your brother! And so should you! Do you want to loose all of this?!" She gestured to the huge house. "Please just trust us, Annabel."   My dad came down the stairs slowly. "What's going on?" He said in a deep voice.  My mom had married him for the money, as well. But she did love him by now. She couldn't live without him.   "Annabel doesn't like Liam." My mom complained.   "Annabel, you will learn to love this man. Do you understand?" He said sternly.   "But that's so unfair!" My voice rose in pitch.   "Your mother and I approve of him, so no matter, you will marry him within the year or so." A tear dripped from my eyes and I ran up the stairs to my room. This is SO unfair. I should not be forced to marry someone just for the money. I heard a knock on my door. It was my mom I could tell. I didn't answer so she just walked in.  "Annabel, honey. We need to talk."  "What's the point? My words have no matter to anyone." I spit my words.   She sighed sitting next to me.   "Honey, I have cancer. I'm dying soon and I want to die knowing you're safe and taken care of."   I sighed. "Mom, I just don't love or even like him...in anyway."  "I know but you have to promos you'll marry him. Divorce when I die but please don't let me leave this earth unhappy. Please." Tears dropped out of her eyes.  "I promise," I smiled at her.

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