Last Warning.

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Life with Rick had been great. We bought a house and decided we wanted to have a child in about a a year or so. I heard a knock on the door and ran to the door. Rick was at work. I opened the door smiling but it faded as I realized noone was there. I looked around but noone was in site. I looked down at my feet and saw a note. I looked arond once more and slowly picked it up walking back in the house, closing and locking the door. I felt uneasy, as if someone was watching me. I closed all the curtins and checked every room in the house. Noone was here. I plopped on the coach letting out a sigh of relief. This house wasn't nearly as big as my parents but I was okay with it. My mom had died two months ago, right after the wedding. She couldn't recover from the heart attack and two weeks later she died. Life was bitter sweet at the moment. I had a beautiful house and a wonderful husband. My inheritance went straight to Rick. He had it locked up in a safe somewhere I wasn't aware of. We decided we weren't going to use it unless we needed it. LIke. really needed. and at the moment we were fine. I told Rick to hide the money from me because money was a tempting thing for me and I might have the urge to use it one day. Oddly, I haven't even had the thougt to get any of the money. But whenever I thoguht about how great my life was I couldn't help but to think of my dead mother and father. I atleast wish my father was here. He could help me deal with this more than anyone and I would help him because I know he loved her dearly. I sighed and picked up the note I almost forgot about. 

It read:

You have been warned. 

I read the note over and over trying to make sense of it. My heart increased rappidly and I bit my lip. What could this mean? I heard something at the back door like someone was humming. I walked over to the back door slowly and peaked out the curtain. I saw a man sitting on my steps humming and whistling.  I opened the door slowly. 

"H-hello?" I stuttered nervously. "Can I help you?"

The old man with a balding head jumped up startled. "Oh, dear! You strarttled me!" He shook his head. "Anyway, someone asked me to deliver this to you..." He handed me a small box. I smiled "When you didn't answere the door I figured I'd sit down and rest my legs. Aye, do you think you cold spare me a drink? I'm mighty thirsty.  

I smiled politly and nodded walking in my house. I set the box on the stove and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. I thought I saw someone from my perfifreal so I quickly turned walked to the room past the back door. Noone was in there. I sighed shaking my head. I was going nuts today. I walked outside and handed the man his water and thanked him as he left. When I went inside I grabbed the box and plopped on the couch with a sigh. When I opened the box it was nothing but a simple letter inside. I scrunched my eyebrows and opened the letter. 

Second warning, Annabell Rose. 

The note read. My eyes widened and I started shaking vicuously. I ran to the kitchen to grab the phone when a man appeared coming from the room I'd checked earlier. I froze with my eyes wide holding my breath. The man had a black mask on and a gun in his hand. He walked up to me slowly and I started to shake. When he got close enough he thrust the gun at my stomach and whispered in my ear, 

"Last warning, Annabell." 

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