It's Too Late.

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I checked my mail box, email, cell phone, house phone...everything. But I got nothing. Annabell never replied. So, I was giving up, completely. If she doesn't want to talk to me then there is nothing I can do at all. She won't let me explain anything to her. And now she's getting married. How convenient. I collapsed on my bed in my apartment and let out a breath when someone knocked on my door. I grouned and stood up answering it. To my surprise it was Brittney, chomping on her gum as usual. 

"What?" I asked annoying. She only looked me up and down as if she were disgusted when we all knew she wasn't. 

"I have a letter for you." She said bluntly walking herself in my apartment. I ripped it open and sat on my bed next to Brittney. "It's from Annabell. Read it and I'll explain."

Dear Rick, 

         I'm sorry but we are not going to work out. I made a promise to my mother that I would Marry Liam and that is what I intend on doing. No matter how much it hurts to let you go it must be done. I can't keep holding on to you when I am getting married in only three weeks. The 25th of August. Yes, I know we're moving fast but it must be done before my mother dies. Nomatter what you have to tell my I can't and I won't change my mind. I can't. I love you and I'm sorry. We must move on. Goodbye, Rick. 

                         Love, Annabell. 

I folded the letter back up and threw it on the floor. Brittney touched my shoulder but I shrugged her off and punched the wall. My whole face was hot. I was losing the girl of my dreams to a prick like Liam. 

"Calm down. Let me explain." Brittney said. This was the nicest she'd ever been to me. I sat down and staired at her. I wasn't playing games this time. "Liam checked the mail to see if you sent a letter and saw that--" 

"Wait. Why was he checking for that?" I interupted her. She rolled her eyes. 

"So she wouldn't get it, dumbass. Anyway, He saw that she wrote you back and took it out so you wouldn't get it."

"How do you know all this?"

"I got it out of him during sex. He tells me anything when I'm about to give it to him, sometimes even aftwards. As long as I look sexy." She shrugged and continued. "Anway...I saw it sitting on a table at his house so I asked him about it and he said he didn't want you to get it so you wouldn't know when they were getting married and try to stop it bacause he thinks she would go back to you if she got the chance." She blurted out in a rush. "He needs the money so he can divorce her, keep the money, go back to his ex and marry her. As soon as Anna's mom dies he's getting a divorse and leaving her on th streets."

My jaw dropped when a question popped in my head. "Don't you think her dad will kill him?" Brittney hung her head and slowly looked up at me.

"Her dad is dead. He got shot last week."

My head was spinning now. "Who?"

"I-I think Liam..."

I shook my head. "I'm going to kill that son of a bitch."


"Why the fuck do you care?!" I asked enraged. 

"Because it won't help anything you fucking cunt! All youre gonnah do is hurt her worse and for once I actually care about people so don't fuck it up! Got it, shit head?" She asked poking my chest. I let out a breath. 

"Where is the wedding being held?" 

"Some church by her house. It's the only one near her. You won't miss it."

I nodded. "Okay. 

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