Chapter One

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Chapter One

"Who's the best shot now, Reagan?" Eddie laughed as she sent a dart straight into the bullseye for the second time that game.

"In here, Janko," Jamie laughed. "And only in here." Jamie took a sip of his beer and slid his arm around his wife. "What do you think honey? Ready to go?"

Sydney nodded, "I have court in the morning, I'm not lucky like the two of you having a 3-11 tour."

Eddie laughed, "That's this week. Next week midnights then it's back to work with all the rest of the folks in the rat race." Eddie smiled at her boyfriend of five months, Paul. He was no stranger to the rat race, as an investment banker. Eddie vowed never to date a man in the finance industry after her father's crimes were exposed but Paul was a friend of Sydney's so she gave it a try.

"If you don't mind, I'm going to catch a ride with Jamie and Syd," Paul told Eddie as the foursome exited the bar. "I have a very early meeting and I'm going their way."

Eddie nodded, "I guess we'll say goodbye here then." She leaned on his tip toes and gave Paul a firm kiss. That made Jamie shiver, he didn't like this man when he was Sydney's acquaintance, he really didn't like him being Eddie's boyfriend.

Jamie and Sydney each gave Eddie a hug then headed off towards their upper West side apartment while Eddie headed to her abode near Jamie's old place in Chinatown.

Eddie tapped her hand on the steering wheel waiting for the red light to change. She was glad to spend time with Jamie and Paul but the way Sydney clung on Jamie's arm made her sick. Granted they were husband and wife, but the place wasn't crowded or even overly loud that night. Sydney worked for a high powered law firm, she had to be able to hold her own. Eddie sighed, sometimes she wondered about the state of her best friend's mind.

When the light changed Eddie pressed on the gas to go not seeing the speeding car coming at her until it was too late. Metal crunched on metal as Eddie felt her head snap back the lop to the side as she was thrown into the door, her head cracking the glass. The last thing Eddie remembered was seeing red and Jamie's face.

Shocked onlookers stopped to dial 9-1-1 for help. Police and ambulance sirens wailed minutes after the initial call was logged. There were numerous reports that the driver fled the scene, and as the accident occurred in 5-4 territory, Danny and Baez caught the case.

When they rolled up on the destroyed silver Porsche Danny's heart started to speed up. "No, it couldn't be..." The fire rescue team was already removing the pieces of the destroyed car and lifting the victim out strapped down to a backboard with a c-collar and many other restraining devices. Danny stepped out of his car, and groaned at the sight before him.

"Son of a bitch," he mumbled moving in for a better view of the victim, the car had his curiosity piqued. He had to make sure that it was just a silver Porsche and not the silver Porsche that often times carried his little brother. Even with an inkling in his gut, Danny wasn't prepared for what he saw.

The two medics that had carefully cut the driver side door and removed the victim were beginning life saving measures. "She's not breathing!" one told the other. Quickly taking nasal airway and inserting it down her nostril. Danny's eyes widened and tears spilled out of his eyes as the medics started CPR in front of him while Eddie remained ghastly still with cuts on her face. He heard the senior medic call out, "We've got a possible cord injury, gently on my count..." Eddie was carefully placed in the bus and whisked away.

"Baez, that's my brother's partner, Eddie. Do me favor call Jamie. He's her next of kin, but I want him to hear it from me when you get him on the line."

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