Chapter Seven | The Deal

Start from the beginning

Seeing I was down, Superman went and flew towards his fallen teammate to make sure he was still alive. His kept his eyes on me as he helped Batman, who sent a cold glare towards me. My eyes were still locked with Superman's as I slowly got up. While I did, I discreetly pulled a knife from my boot. (Supey couldn't see through my suit anyways, it was led lined. Another perk of doing work with Lex Luthor.)

The vile had cracked and I could feel the liquid seeping into the pocket in my suit I had kept it in. I dipped the knife in the green-tinted liquid, only covering it half way. The two of them looked at me as if daring me to try and do something. I smirked and threw the knife towards Batman's neck, knowing Superman would step in the way since the knife "couldn't hurt him."

If only it was a regular knife.

As I predicted, he decided to be a Boy Scout (as usual). Instead of it bouncing off of him like it should've, the Kryptonite-tipped point plunged into his shoulder, the metal breaking off right when it got to the part with no liquid on it. He let out a shout and dropped Batman, shocked the knife did anything to him.

I was told by Lex a couple of months ago that Kryptonian's don't usually feel pain, but when they do, its magnified by a thousand. Since its happened to me several times I can easily imagine how a knife to to the shoulder feels, but I couldn't comprehend what it must have been like to him.

I could see Batman tense, probably confused as to how I did any damage to the Boy Scout. I used the distraction to my advantage and sprinted towards the two, tackling Batman. We roughly fell to the floor and I tried to pin his arms down.

I didn't have the upper hand for long before he shoved me off and flipped back up to his feet. Following in suit, I jumped up to my feet and got out a retractable bo-staff which was attached to my leg. He took two smaller versions of my staff out of his belt and clicked them open. I lunged at him. Metal clashed, sending a few sparks out.

He swung a hand over my head, and I slid under him as I tried to hit the back of his legs. He threw one of his staffs at my head. I turned my face to the side just as the metal collided with the ground. I flipped upwards, kicking him in the stomach. He stumbled back a foot.

He jumped to the side to retrieve his fallen staff, missing a swing from mine. When the staffs met again, I had to push with all of my strength just to keep my own, but even then my feet still slid back. Our faces met in the middle as I struggled to win.

I looked into the whites of his cowl and smirked, stepping around him as he fell forwards from the loss of momentum. "You know, for The Dark Knight you have pretty white teeth."

I heard a low sound come from his throat. A few more punches were thrown before he spoke darkly. "Is that a compliment?"

I got back into a fighting stance. "That depends."

"On what?"

"How much longer your going to have them." I said darkly, stepping forward and punching him in the jaw. Then everything was a blur. Kicks and punches were thrown every which way, adrenaline pumping through my body.

"And now I see how she always beats us," a voice came from the other side of the room.

I glanced towards the corner and saw the sidekicks who were watching me in awe. I scoffed. Took them long enough.

I guess it would be a pretty bizarre scene if you weren't there for the whole thing. Superman was somewhat unconscious, trying to pull a knife from his shoulder. And then there was me, a criminal, fighting with Batman in the middle of a superhero base which I had just escaped from.

Yeah.. pretty weird.

Eventually the sidekicks got brains and jumped into the fight. Somebody kicked the back of my leg and I fell, using my hands to stop my face from colliding with the ground. That gave Bats enough time to grab me in a headlock and put one of his bat-boomerang things to my neck. The sharp metal surface dug into my neck and I resisted the urge to squirm. Then, with the little control I had left, I used my free arm to grab my gun out of my leg holster and held it to the side his head.

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