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I watches as Mackenzie tried preform a surgery that she didn't even know about or how to do. "If you need anything... I can help..." I said to her. "No, its ok... I think we have everything." She said to me. I thought about Charlotte. What was she doing to help? Nothing. She was probably sitting there brushing Izzy's hair like she always did. I looked over to see Julia, Brandon, and Jackson all sitting off to the side watching. "Why don't you let us do something, Frizzy?" Jackson asked laughing a little. "Can you not... I'm trying to save someone right now." Mackenzie said to Jackson. "Geez Louise..." Jackson said. Jackson started to walk out of the room and I could hear his boots swipe against the floor.

"Gosh, his shoes..." Brandon said after Jackson left the room. Hailey looked up and smiled at him a little. Julia almost bursted out laughing at Hailey. There she goes again flirting, Julia thought. Brandon smiled a little bit at her a little this time. "Oh you guys!" Julia said. "Hey! Stop it!" Hailey said laughing a little. "No its ok! I get it!" Julia said laughing a little. Joe just sat there in silence, he had no idea what we were talking about. "I do have to say, his shoes are hella annoying!" Mackenzie said laughing a little bit. "Did he always wear those back when you all went to school together?" I asked them. "Everyday. Whenever he was late for class, you could hear him coming down the hall." Brandon said laughing a little. "And the worst part was... One day he showed me the frog he stepped on. It was all over the back of his shoe!" Julia said sounding grossed out. "Ew!" Hailey said laughing as she wrinkled up her face at the thought of Jackson stepping on a frog.

What was Jackson's issue? He apparently wants to help us, but when we first met him, he tried to kill us. I was never going to trust Jackson. He was starting to get on my nerves a lot recently. Maybe I should just tell Jackson to go. Or should I actually give him a chance. What was Jackson doing? I was pretty sure that he was in the control room at the top of the FBI department. But what would he be wanting to do up there? I should probably go check on him, but I had to stay here for Luke.

I walked over to Luke on the table and felt his hand. It felt cold as ice. "I think I it's clean now." Mackenzie said to me as she pushed her chair away from the table. Hailey walked over to Luke and put a wet towel on the gunshot wound that supposively clean. I kneeled down on my knees and brushed the hair out of his face. I looked down at the ground. "I hope this isn't a bad time to bring it up... But, I need to help my people, I want to bring them here." Joe said. I stood up and looked at him. John and Becky walked in the room. "I'm not leaving my son." I said to Joe. "I can go, I'll bring them back here." John said. "I got this, and I'll bring the car back while I'm at it." John said to me. "You stay here, ok?" John said as he patted my back. "Yeah, I'll stay here." I said as I pulled a chair next to the table.

Joe stood up and started walking towards John. "We're gonna take the same route as we did to get here, and we are gonna get the car we had before we went in that store." John said to Joe. "Alright." Joe said. John turned and said, "We'll be back.", I noticed he was mainly looking at Becky. Becky looked at him and nodded. John and Joe walked out of the room. "You wanna move him into the cell bed?" Hailey asked me. "Yeah I guess we should..." I said. Hailey walked over to the cell and smoothed out the sheets on the bed. I picked up Luke and was careful to not mess up the towel on his back.

"Hey Mackenzie, maybe it's time to put some bandages on it." Hailey said to Mackenzie. "Ok." Mackenzie said as she picked some bandages from a shelf and then walked into the cell room. "Thank you, again." I said to her. "It's my job, or at least was going to be." Mackenzie said. I stepped back and watched as Mackenzie wrapped bandages around Luke's back. I looked in the doorway of the cell to see Charlotte standing there. "How's he doing?" She asked. "He was shot in the back, near the spine, but he's doing better." I said to her. "I didn't ask you." Charlotte said to me. Mackenzie turned around and looked confused. "Uh... He's out of it right now... And he could be out of it for a few more hours. The most important thing right now is to let him rest." Mackenzie said. "Thanks, for saving him and everything, it means alot to me." Charlotte said to Mackenzie.

"...No problem... But he never would have made it if Aaron or John didn't get him back in time..." Mackenzie said. "Thanks for saving him." Charlotte said dismissing what Mackenzie said about John and I. Mackenzie stayed silent and left the room. "Charlotte, what's your deal?" I asked her. She knelt by Luke's bed and felt his forehead but didn't respond to me. "What happened to you?" I asked her. She turned around and looked at me, there were tears in her eyes. "Your my problem..." She said. "What's that supposed to mean? I know Luke was shot, but you're making it seem like I was the one who shot him. I didn't do anything wrong, Charlotte." I said to her trying to remain calm.

Rise Of The Undead Part Two: An Arm for a LegWhere stories live. Discover now