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As we sped out of the office building area I looked up at the buildings and in the windows. There was no sign of anyone. If the world hadn't ended it would probably be about 6:00 right now. It was already starting to get darker. I looked back at John's car in front of me and saw a few risers headed towards his car. John just kept driving past the risers. As his car passed the risers, they reached their arms out trying to attach themselves to the car. They did the same to me as I drove past them. I looked up at the buildings again. I saw something poking out. I kept my eyes on the window with the item sticking out of it. Just as we passed the building I saw it was gun, and I made eye contact with the person holding the gun. What if I had just made eye contact with the enemy?

There was another group here. I watched as John drove into the graveyard. I don't know if I should tell him about the person in the window. I could have been just seeing things. John parked the car on the gravel road and got out. "So, where do you want to bury her?" He asked me. I decided to not tell John about the person who was in the window. "Let's walk around and find a place and a shovel." I said to John. "Ok..." John said. We both walked towards the funeral home and saw a shovel right outside of it. John picked it up. "Let's not go inside, we need to save bullets." John said to me. "Yeah..." I said answering John.

I looked around the cemetery. It had a few hills and lots of different grey grave stones. There were also a few trees, most of them were green but one of them was a beautiful golden yellow. I guess fall was coming sooner than we all thought. "Let's bury her over there..." I said to John as I pointed to the tree with the golden leaves. "Alright." John said trying to sound respectful. This was a funeral after all, a funeral I thought I would never live to see.
John and I started digging a hole in the ground next to the tree. I took a break and stepped back. I looked at a few of the gravestones next to where Emily would be buried. 'Beloved Grandmother and Mother, Carrie Crider--08-24-2015--' One of the gravestones read. 'Husband and Wife, Father and Mother, William and Joan--09-16-2015--' another stone said. If the world was still normal it would have been September 20, and the kids would have been coming home from their 10th day back to school. I walked back over to John and helped him dig out Emily's grave more. I thought more about the graves. All of the gravestones in this section had recent death dates on them. I bet all of these people had died from the Acomba virus.

After about 2 hours of digging, John looked up at me and asked, "Does this look deep enough?". "Yeah..." I said. John and I walked back over to the car and picked up Emily's body. Pieces of her face were falling off as we dropped her into the grave. John and I dumped dirt back on top of her and I watched her body disappear into the ground. That was when I realized I was tearing up a little bit. We finished covering her with dirt. "I'm always gonna remember that kid..." John said. I wiped my eyes away and started walking back to the car. John started following behind me.

I looked back at the tree one more time. That's when I saw something spray painted on the back of the tombstones I had read earlier. "Acombians" had been spray painted in bright red across the backs of the stones. I turned around and stopped. "What?" John asked as he stopped behind me. "Nothing..." I said and I turned back around and started heading back to my car. Then I heard a noise. I turned around again and saw nothing, there wasn't a single riser in sight. "...What?" John asked me again. I felt like something was moving, but I couldn't find it.

I pulled out my gun and John did the same. He held it up and started scanning the graveyard for any risers. I looked down at the ground and saw a few pieces of dirt moving. "What the hell..." I said as I watched bony fingers pop up out of the ground. "No, that's not possible..." John said in disbelief. The ground crumbled and I watched a riser emerge from its grave.

Rise Of The Undead Part Two: An Arm for a LegWhere stories live. Discover now