26| ''It was him''

Start from the beginning

Elixir Lounge was slowly opening again. Lady Eluen needed the profits and our nights were blessed with a bit more laughter than we had experienced for the last few months. Vincent, too, slowly joined us. And though he didn't laugh freely or participate much in the night life, I often caught a rare ghost of a smile on his lips and it made me happy knowing that he was getting out of this.

In our hearts, Sorcha would forever be our hero - and she would never fade.

The plants slowly bloomed in Pixie's room, small buds that bloomed into delicate small flowers - an indication that she was getting better too.

Jett's memory problems made me become stronger, knowing that he needed my support now more than ever.

Lady Eluen kept on recovering more of his memories, and with every new revelation I felt my knowledge of Nathaniel dwindle. Every memory painted him bitter, angry and unable to control his emotions regarding Daniel's murder.

But it was still unclear why exactly these particular memories had been removed.

Soon enough, Pixie had learnt of Eluen's ways and whilst Lady Eluen was away, the three of us sat down in the office and helped Jett recover more of his memories.

Five days later

'They've come back,' Julian burst into the office.

'Did they find Nathaniel?' Pixie piped up, standing up from beside Jett.

I put a hand on my boyfriend whose jaw had clenched, the tension in his muscles making him tremble under my touch.

'Sort of?' Julian shrugged before jerking his head towards the door, 'Come see'.


The sight of Tommy Lionfield still made my heart clench.

The blonde boy had grown considerably but was still shawled in innocence as he looked around, one thumb in his mouth and an arm looped around his mother's neck.

Leila Rosewater looked unharmed but she was trembling uncontrollably as she hugged her son to her bosom. Her doe-like brown eyes looking around at the faces of my friends before she noticed Jett.

'Jethriel!' she whisper shrieked, and Tommy clenched onto his mother tighter in response, 'Why am I here? Where is Nathaniel?'

'That's what we would like to talk to you about,' Jaixon grumbled, his arms crossed as he came to stand before her, 'He ran the moment he saw us'.

Leila's delicate jaw clenched, 'He said there would be people hunting us... what do you want?'

Feeling Jett's grip tighten around my waist, I squeezed his fingers, turning towards him before pressing my lips against his jaw. He relaxed visibly but the grip on my waist didn't loosen.

'We want Nathaniel,' Jaixon continued, 'and we are positive that he'll come to get you once he finds out that you've been taken'.

'What will you do to him?' Leila whispered, horrified as she wrapped her arms around her son, 'What do you horrid people want?'

It was then that Jett cracked, I felt him lurch from behind me and I didn't have the time to stop him.

'HORRID?' he roared, his voice bouncing off the empty dance floor, 'Do you know what's horrid?' I put a hand around his arm but he didn't stop, 'What's horrid,' he whispered, 'is that my fücking brother has been creating gaps in my memory. What's horrid is that he fogged up my brain without my knowing or my permission. What's horrid is that he covered all the times up when he beat me, when he nearly punched me to death. Don't you call me horrid, Leila Rosewater. Don't you remember who the fück you had begged for help when your heart went unanswered? Don't you remember who,' he wheezed, 'drove you to the hospital when your son was coming? Because you're own lover COULDN'T FÜCKING BOTHER?'

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