Athena's POV

To say that I didn't stay and listen would be a complete lie. Although I heard nothing from them because unlike most of their conversations, they spoke on hushed tones.

Their conversation seemed to be very serious and it made me feel a little on edge.

What if Kaila told them about Jacob and I? What if Ysa was finding a way to plot something against us? What if-

No Athena, you have to shut up. Stop freaking over thinking. It's going to ruin you.

"Hey princess." A voice said from behind me.

"Jacob they're gonna see us." I whined as soon as he kissed my cheek.

"And so..." He trailed.

"They're going to get suspicious. They already are." I said facing him.

"And that matters why?" He asked me.

"We've discussed this. I don't want to be away from you. When they find out-"

"If they find out." He said cutting me off. "They wont Athena. Not with me keeping an eye on Kaila. Please relax... For me."

"Jacob I-" And then the bell rang.

"I'll see you after school okay." He said before leaving me glued to where I was standing.

Coming back to reality, I fixed my bag on my shoulder and walked to my next class. I had none of those perilous people in my Biology class. Well except Bryce.

Might as well consider him a part of them right. I mean he's starting to spend more time with them than with me. Then again wasn't I doing the same to him by hanging out with Jacob.

"Hey." He said once I sat beside him. "Hey, you okay?" He asked me.

"I'm fine Bryce." I said rather coldly.

"Athena I'm being serious. Are you okay?" He asked me again.

"Not now Bryce. Please." I added and he sighed.

The day continued just the way it always does and I found myself in the library at 7:00.

"Sweetheart, what are you still doing here?" Mrs. Gita, the librarian, said.

"What time is it?" I asked her.

"It's 7 pm dear." She said back. "Go home. Rest. You're parents must be worried." She added.

"I'm sorry for staying so late Mrs. Gita. I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled and got up.

As I got out of the library I could hear voices shouting at each other from somewhere ahead of me.

As I continued my journey home the voices got louder and I got even more scared.

"You messed up again Carter!" The voice became clearer.

Carter? Is this man talking to who I think he's talking to?

"I didn't mess up. Your goons set me up." The voice, 'Carter' I assume, said.

I know that voice. I know that voice too much for me to make a mistake about who it was.

"Are you blaming a mistake you made on someone who works for me?" The unknown voice said.

"Aaron?" I said quietly. Hopefully not to be heard by any of the two men talking.

Sadly I was near enough for them to hear me.

"Athena?" I heard Aaron's voice say in shock.

"Who's she? Your girlfriend?" The man that had Aaron pinned up to the wall said.

"No she's just someone who goes to my school." Aaron said angrily.

"Your lucky she's here. If she wasn't I would've killed you. Don't mess up next time." The man said and left. Just like that.

"What in the world was that?!" I screamed.

"Shh shh. You can't tell anyone about that." He said putting his finger to my lips.

"But Aaron... It looked as if you're dealing with something that shouldn't be dealt with." I said worriedly.

"It's not of your business Athena." He told me.

"You have to tell someone." I told him.

"I can't." He sighed.

"Not even Ysa?" I asked him.

I know, I know. This was the guy who practically ruined my life along with his other friends but he sometimes defends me.

"Especially not Ysa. Now come on. I'll get you home." He said and I got in his car without another word said.

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