"Okay," I didn't care much. I just wanted her to leave me alone.

"I wanted to apologize for kissing you," well she apologized, not even being quiet anymore. Others heard it as well.

Boom! A loud noise was heard. Being frightened by it, I quickly looked to see what it was. Looking in the direction of where it came from, I saw Lauren picking up a textbook from the ground.

"Sorry," she apologized to the student and placed the textbook back on her desk. Lauren looked up through her eyelashes, making eye contact with me, seeming to not like what she was seeing, and hearing.

Turning back to Lucy, "Okay, well you've apologized, now move on," I continued solving the math problems.

"I see that you're mad," she stated. I stopped myself from rolling my eyes. This was becoming annoying. What bothered me the most is that she decided on talking about it right now, here in Lauren's class. From the corner of my eye, I could feel Lauren's stare on me. "Camila, answer me," Lucy sounded in distress.

"Lucy, I don't know what you want me to say," I shrugged, not really making it a big deal. Like if it meant nothing to me. "I'm not mad, I just want you to leave me alone," I stated truthfully.

"Burn!" Ethan thought it would be awesome and appreciative to shout out.  

His seat was next to mine, and I scolded him, making him look the other way.

Once again turning to look at Lucy, I added, "Please, leave me alone," I requested as polite as possible.  

"Are you seeing someone?" Lucy really questioned. "Tell me, I want to know," she was almost demanding. My eyebrows arched as a skeptical laugh escaped my mouth. Lucy was nuts. She had no right to demand anything. It's not like we dated. The date never happened.

"Excuse me," I puffed with attitude. Wow, she actually had the nerve to question me.

"Who's the girl? Hm. Who is it?" her arms crossed, still insisting.

I couldn't believe this was actually happening. It almost made me want to laugh. Lucy was making a fool out of herself. Was she seriously expecting me to answer her? Did she still expect me to give her a chance? No way in hell!

Someone cleared their throat next to me. I looked up, and saw Lauren.

"Lucy, is there a problem?" she crossed her arms.

"Not at all," Lucy's arms unfolded themselves. "I was just asking Camila for help," she stepped closer to me, to try and make it more believable.

"Well Camila's having trouble herself, so I don't think she'll be of much help to you," she stated. Oh snap, that sure shut Lucy up. Noticing that I was actually almost done with the work, I moved my hand over my paper to cover it. "Why don't you go back to your seat, or ask someone else for help," she suggested. "Or I could help you," she offered.

"I'll do it on my own," Lucy said and walked away. Finally! I definitely had to thank Lauren for this, with a kiss... or a makeout session. Makeout session it was.

I smiled at her, and mouthed a thank you. She smiled back, sliding her hand along my shoulder discreetly. As I watched her walk right in front of me, I couldn't help but think about our relationship. About how lucky I was. Everyone in class fantasized about her. Everyone at school wished to hook up with her. Fortunately, I was the lucky one who got to call her mine.

I was the one who she cared about.

Who wouldn't die to be in my place?


Miss Jauregui (CAMREN)Where stories live. Discover now