11: Who Is Jordan

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2489 words of Laurmani, Dinally, Norminah, and Kehlalren (working name).


Dinah had never felt such a tingling feeling up her back before. Paranoia and anxiety tip toed up her arms and back, leaving goosebumps as memoirs on her skin. The blonde could feel something was watching her but couldn't pin point from where. That's what truly scared her about the dark, it wasn't the fact that out ahead she would be faced with darkness, but rather with the complete unknown.

"Dinah hurry up." Normani sleepily mumbled while rubbing her eye as she pushed her friend towards the kitchen more.

It was currently 1 o'clock in the morning and the Polynesian girl had gotten hungry in the middle of their Totally Spies marathon. Sadly, she was terrified about the idea of going through the dark house by herself. Dinah knew her and Normani were heavy handed and would have a better chance of surviving together rather than alone.

"I'm sorry Mani, it's just, so dark-"

"So what ? I'm dark, the room's dark, hurry up. I want my cuddles and I want to go back to sleep," The brown skin girl flipped on the kitchen light switch and pointed towards the cabinet, "Now go get whatever you wanted before I leave you to cuddle somebody else."

The Polynesian girl sighed at the sight of actual light and headed towards the pantry for some chips, "You know I'm your cuddle buddy, you wouldn't leave me Mani."

"If you keep testing me I sure as hell will."

"You wouldn't even leave me for Lauren."

"The hell I won't."

The younger girl smiled as she grabbed the bag of chips and went towards the fridge, "Ooh Mani ! Let's make omelets !"

"Dinah-Jane, I'm not making eggs at one in the morning."

"Why not ?" Regardless of Normani's protest, Dinah was already getting out the carton of eggs, "We used to always make crack of dawn omelets."

"Because I just want to sleep dammit !" Normani was beyond tired after her long outing with Lauren the day before and had no idea what the day would bring her. She wanted to be energized and ready but with her best friend, it wouldn't happen at all.

The Islander girl smiled as she handed the grumpy Normani a pan and spatula, "I'm seasoning the eggs, you be ready to cook it."

"Be ready to cook it. You're lucky I even like you-" Before the girl could finish her statement, a sound emerged from the front of the house, "Dinah did you hear that ?"

A track race of panic sprinted throughout Dinah's body. It was one in the morning, who could that be ? The caramel colored girl's body shook at the thought of only one person.

"Fuck he's coming back. He's trying to have an early morning sneak attack," Dinah rapidly rummaged through the drawers to find a sharp butcher knife, "Mani we're ending this now. Let's go."

Dinah grabbed Normani's wrist as walked towards the front of the house, "First you tell me not to investigate things and now you wanna fight this one ? What kind of logic-"

The younger girl shushed her best friend, "If you keep talking he'll hear us."

"Who is he ? DJ I'm not in the mood for these games so early," Normani flipped off the kitchen lights. Dinah's whole body shook at the sudden darkness and reached to flip it back on, "Girl what are you doing ? Leave them off."

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