8: The Big 18

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This chapter is going to focus more on Dinah. More specifically Dinally.

Also, wanna know a fun fact ? This story idea was originally supposed to be Zendinah, Zendaya as beta and Dinah in Normani's shoes.


Dinah smiled to herself as she looked out onto the land before her. The Polynesian girl was seated upon the patio bench with a small mug of tea in her hands.

Boy was she having fun these past couple of weeks.

Being away from home for the summer was one of the best things to ever happen to her. Although she did love her family deeply, she liked to be able to get away for a while and be Dinah rather than another one of the kids. Surprisingly, she hadn't felt so homesick as she thought. To her surprise, the feeling of missing home hadn't hit her hard yet.

Dinah took another sip of her tea and stared out at the sunrise. The caramel colored girl had made it her tradition to watch the sunrise every Friday, no matter how early she had to get up. It all happened the first Friday at the pack house, she for some reason had woken up at the near crack of dawn and couldn't fall asleep. The girl thought an herbal tea would help her back to sleep but it did exactly the opposite once she noticed the sunrise from the patio doors.

The California sky was something people didn't appreciate the way they should. It was the Sunshine State, one of the biggest and most populated places. With all of the people in the state, it surprised Dinah that none of them took the time to admire the natural beauty.

From the patio door, Ally felt a small smile spread across her face at the sight of her mate. Dinah sat silently with her legs crossed, one softly rocking her on the swinging bench. The Polynesian girl was so engulfed with the sunset she didn't even notice Ally.

Moments like these were moments Ally loved, when Dinah was so sincere and open. She loved seeing her mate with her hair in a messy bun, baggy pajamas, and a small smile on her face. It was her favorite look on Dinah.

"Can I join you Dinah-Jane ?" Ally asked as she walked over towards the bench. The younger girl nodded and patted to the seat next to her. The alpha obeyed and sat in the spot, sighing, "Why are you up so early ?"

Dinah thumbed the mug, "I want to admire the sunrise. I do every Friday."

"Well that's different," Ally chuckled as she looked out at the sunrise, "Wow, it's really pretty."

"I know. They're different every Friday. It's really calming to watch."

Ally smiled and looked at Dinah, the younger girl sipping her tea, "This is your last sunrise as a 17 year old, how does that make you feel ?"

"Makes me feel like I'm getting old." Both girl laughed at the statement.

Tomorrow was Dinah's birthday and both girls were anticipating it, but for different reasons. Dinah because she would finally be able to be a certified adult, while Ally was ready for Dinah's eyes to open. She couldn't have been waiting for this day any longer if she tried.

Dinah finished her tea and set it down gently on the patio floor. She sighed and laid her head down on Ally's shoulder, "Ally ?"

"Yes Dinah-Jane ?"

"I'm actually going to be 18 tomorrow, oh my God."

The alpha chuckled as she ran her fingers gently through her mate's hair, "Yes, you will be. Are you ready for the big changes in your life to begin ?"

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