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"I can't!" I screamed at him.
"Why not! She's like your mother! Speaking of mother when was the last time you talked to yours!" I could see he was angry but he refused to yell.
"Last month! I talk to her every month!" I ran my fingers through my damp hair.
"Look all I'm asking is that we invite her to our wedding." He put his hands on my hips. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. My nostrils being filled with his Axe body wash scent.
"No. Why?" I asked setting my hands on his bare chest. His clean shaved chest bare to my touch.
"Because Em she is a close friend of not a best friend. She matters to you and I want her to be there." He pulled me closer. I let my hands travel up til they where around his neck.
"Fine." I whispered. I gazed into his dark eyes, I played with the hairs on the back of his head.
We both jumped when we heard Charlie bark. He moved in between our legs moving us apart.
"Hey I like her to boy!" Dylan scratched his head. I laughed at them.
I walked over to the couch and sat down to have Charlie jump up and curl up on my side with his head in my lap.
"Looks like I'm the favorite!" I teased. Dylan came over and touched my knee only to retract it when Charlie growled at him.
"Yep the favorite!" I laughed scratching his head.
"When do I get to be with my fiancé?" Dylan asked sitting on my other side. The large dog watched him the hole time. I grabbed Dylan's hand and held it. He didn't do anything but watch.
"Ha! Seems like I got a pass card!" I teased. Dylan kissed my cheek and he shot up and barked loudly baring his teeth. I smacked his nose.
"No!" I scolded. He looked to me before laying back down and going to sleep.
"Yep mama dog you are!" He kissed my cheek.
"Yep. I'm gonna go dog shopping you get dinner ready." I got up Charlie almost fell to the floor but he got his balance.
"We already got his stuff what more could he need?" He asked still sitting.
"Well I need to get him a tag and nail clippers. Also I'm going to get him a few toys sense all he has is that tennis ball." I slipped on my shoes and placed my hair in a bun before grabbing my sunglasses, wallet, and keys. I kissed Dylan and went to the garage with Charlie. I got in a 2016 mustangs and let Charlie in the passenger. He sat down and waited till the car started moving. I pulled out of the driveway shutting the door and driving to the nearest pet store.
I got to a store that looked like a PetSmart and walked in with Charlie on leash. I had found one in the car door.
I went to the back where the machine was and picked out a black apple. It was out line with gold. I pressed it and went to typing away the info I wanted on it. His name. That's it. I heard muffled talking behind me. I looked in the reflective area to see they where staring at me. Charlie growled. I turned around slowly to see a 22 pistol barrel in my face.
"Hey how's it going?" I asked not taking my eyes of the woman at the other end. She had blonde hair and brown eyes. She was wearing leather like the last lady who tried to kill me or whatever.
"Shut up Emilee." Max was growling. I could see him at the corner of my eye crouching getting ready to spring.
"Apply that to yourself." I smiled and clicked my tongue. Charlie sprang but not before she pulled the trigger.
Shot my shoulder and I fell to the ground. I saw that she had gotten away from him and was now covered in bite marks. The man was pointing a gun at me and shot my other shoulder and running. I saw my men running towards me.
"Char?" I whispered before my eyelids fell heavy and I slumped to the ground.

Dylan's POV
I was cooking dinner. Rattitoi. One of Emilees favorites. I had just put the pan in the oven when my phone rang.
"Quinn when will Emilee be back I just put it in the oven?" "Dylan you need to get to the hospital quick." "Why what's wrong?" "Emilee she was shot twice. We didn't see it coming we shot one of them the other escaped." I turned off the stove and pulled a shirt on and my shoes. I grabbed another set of keys and went to my bike.
"I'll be there in a sec." I hung up and put it in the phone pocket. I kicked the stand up and pushed the clicker to the door. I rolled up and I started the engine. I rolled it out carefully and clicked the button again and recognize the engine up and jolting forward. I road breaking the speed limit but not being pulled over. I raced against time to the hospital.


Lana Parrilla 27Where stories live. Discover now