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"Brazil?" I asked.
"Yes please Lana?" Jen begged.
"Our honey moon in Brazil?" She got down on her knees.
"Please. Please." She grabbed my hands.
"Why do you want to go there so badly?" I asked holding back my erupting laughter.
"Because I already made a hotel reservations and our plane leaves tomorrow mourning." She smiled nervously. I laughed so hard my gut was hurting. She looked at me confused but joined me. She stood up and kissed me lightly. When I calmed down I put my arms around her waist. She wrapped her arms around my neck.
"Is that a yes?" I rested my forehead on hers.
"Well sense my wife already got everything done I don't see why not." I giggled. She put her lip.
"Looks like I'm going to Rio Brazil with my wife." She whispered.
"Really me too!" I leaned in and kissed her ruffly. She was surprised at first but deepened it.
The door bell rang and I pulled away smiling. She whined at the loss of contact.
"Don't worry." I swayed my hips while walking to the front door.
I opened it to a pizza man.
"Oh thanks." Jen came up behind me.
"Ooo its here!" She grabbed the pizza and ran back into the house.
"How much?" He put his hands up and shook his head.
"No it was payed for over the phone." He smiled and walked back to his car. I shrugged and closed the door. I walked back into the kitchen to see Jen eating straight out of the box.
"Jen!" I scolded. She looked up mid bite.
"Wha?" She finished chewing.
"Save some for me." I walked over and took her slice from her.
"Hey that's mine get your own!" She went to take it back but I just stuffed a bite in my mouth.
"Not no more!" I giggled.
"Aw really?" She grabbed another piece and took a huge bite.
I stuck my tongue out. With food on it.
She pulled her phone out and took a picture of me.
"Going everywhere!" She posted it and I got a Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter notification. I glared at her and finished my slice.
After we were finished a fed Lola.
"Jen is Ava out side?" I asked from the pantry were the dog food was.
"No she's at my parents house till after the honey moon." She shouted from up stairs.
"Ok I'm going to take Lola over to Ginny's after she eats." I shouted back. I heard a stifled sound followed by a screech and then a thud. I snapped up.
I sprinted to the stairs and jumped up the steps.
"Jen! Jen? Jen what happened?" I threw open our bedroom door to see her under a pile of blankets.
"Hey there." She grunted. I moved to her and pulled the blankets off her face.
"You keep this up we'll be spending our honey moon in a hospital." I joked. She glared then wiggled her way out from under the pile.
"Here." She pulled a large suit case out from under the pile. I laughed and kissed her. She stood up and walked back to the closet. I put the blankets in a folded pile and went to the dresser. I pulled out 2 weeks worth of cloths and set them on the bed. Jen did the same. I was about to grab a white bikini when I saw a once themed picture at the bottom.
"Jen what's this?" I pulled it out to reveal a comic con. It was Emilees first one.
"That's in LA isn't it?" She stood behind me. I traced the frame. It had Emilee and me at a photo op. She had her back to me looking at the camera with a wicked smirk. I was right behind her with my arms wrapped around her shoulders.
"Ya her first." I placed it on top of the dresser before grabbing the bikini. When we had all out things laid out I started to organize them into the case. When it was finished Jen came running in from the bathroom with her razed and cream.
"What?" She asked putting them with the other bathroom essentials.
"Nothing." I moved it off the bed and lugged it down the stairs to the kitchen door. I walked back into the kitchen when my phone rang. Seeing as it was Eddy I answered.
"Hello?" "Lana we know you guys are leaving tomorrow but where wondering if you'd be interested in passes to the comic con Friday?" "Yea sure are you coming over or?" "No They'll be in your mail box in about.......ten minutes." "Ok thanks Eddy." "Your welcome have a nice trip." "Thanks again bye." I hung up and sighed.
"Is everything alright?" Jen asked with her hands in her pockets.
"Yes Eddy is sending over passes to the Brazil comic con this Friday." She nodded and sat down at the bar on a stool.
"Cool. I'm tired would you like to come to bed with me Mrs. Morrison?" I gasped.
"What would my wife think if she knew I was going to bed with you?" She cracked a smile.
"I think she'd be thrilled." She stared at me for a moment.
"Would she?" I flirted.
"Are you flirting with me?" I bit my bottom lip slightly.
"Being married won't stop me from flirting dear." I husked. She giggled and grabbed my hand leading me up the stairs.
I put on a big shirt from the closet and got in the bed flipping on the TV. I turned the news on.
It talked about the weather before I got bored and switched it off.
"Nothing good?" She asked slipping in the other side and curling up to my side.
"Nope." I put the remote on the side table and wiggled down deeper under the covers.
"Your feet are cold." She whispered kissing the tip of my nose. I brought my feet up and put them behind her knees. She wiggled away but I just followed her till she was half off the bed.
"What's the matter dear?" I teased.
"Someone's got there freezing ass cold feet on me." She complained. I smiled and did it more till she fell off the bed with a bang.
"What are you doing on the floor?" I leaned over to see her glaring at at. I just smiled innocently till she got up pushing me to my side and hugging me from behind.
"I'm not." She whispered.
"But you where."
"But I'm not."
"Not." It went on like that till she broke it by saying where.
"Ha gotcha!" She sighed.
"I don't care go to sleep." I turned around in her arms to see her eyes closed.
"Night baby." I whispered and kissed her lightly.
"Mmhmm." I fell asleep like that. Thinking of how lucky I was. Then right before I fell asleep I thought of how much I missed Emilee.


Lana Parrilla 27Where stories live. Discover now