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Emilees POV
"Come on Emilee! Duck! Duck duck! Ok stop I need the new gloves I can feel her hits through the padding." My boxing instructor went to the side of the ring and took off his practice mats.
"Emilee you know this is just practice you don't have to hit that hard right?" Gavin one of the boys that practices here walked over smirking.
"Shut up I know just want to be ready." I made a few air hits. My instructor Tavion came back with the thicker mats.
"Kay round!" I hit his left twice, right, duck, block, left, right. It went on for another good 20 mins before he said to go clean up. I went to the private room in the back that had a handful of gear for me to work on. I took of my tank top leaving me in only my sports bra and boxing shorts. I left my gloves on and walked over to the black punching bag hanging from the ceiling.
I punched it for awhile loseing track of the time.

Lanas POV
I walked into Eddys office.
"Do you guys know we're Emilee is? She's not in her trailer and not answering her phone?" Eddy looked away from his computer.
"What time is it?" I looked at my phone.
"2:37 why?" He went back to typing at his keyboard.
"She's at Tavions gym." I turned around and went straight out of the office. I walked to my car and got in.
When I pulled up out from I saw a grey jeep that Emilee had requested to have so she could drive without having to ask anyone for a ride.
I walked up to the door when a young man walked out.
"Is Emilee in there?" He looked me up and down.
"Yea she's in the back room killing the punching bag." He smirked and held the door for me.
"Thank you." I walked up to the front desk to see a woman with blonde hair sitting in a rollie chair txting.
"Excuse me but could you show me were Emilee Peterson is?" She looked up and smiled.
"Sure this way." I followed her through double doors to a large area where there were men and boys practicing.
When we came to a hallway she turned left we came to a stop right out side a door.
"In there don't scare her." With that she walked off. I opened the door to be hit with loud music the song that was on was 'sail' and the faint stench of sweat. In the back of the room she was in her sports bra and basketball shorts with her hair in a ponytail with a fishtail  braid. She was hitting the black punching bag like it had murdered someone she loved. But that's not what caught my eye or was the most disturbing.
Her back was covered in scars which looked to be blade marks but had a melted ish way to them as if the blade were hot when it impelled her. They were like tiger strips going down her back and disappearing in her waist band. With every punch she threw her back mussels would show moving the scars around.
After a few minutes of me standing there she hit the bag so hard that the top were the chain would hook onto the handle ripped, it fell to the ground with a thud. Emilee pushed it to the side and picked up another bag struggling to get it up the handle but managed with out help.
She hung from the top by her gloves. Her shoulders shook and tears ran down both the bag and her face.
"I'm so sorry! Im sorry!" She kept on whispering to the bag. I couldn't take it anymore.
I walked up behind her and hugged her. She tensed up but turned around and saw me and hung onto me for dear life.
"It's ok baby it ok. Don't be sorry. There's nothing to be sorry for." I pulled away and a look of fear came over her. She scrambled away and found a t shirt and threw it on.
"Please tell me what those are from." I asked just above a whisper.
"I'll tell you when no ones around." Took of her gloves and other gear before putting them in a dark grey Nike duffle bag.
We walked to the front door.
"I'm going to my trailer to take a shower you can come if you want." She went to get in her jeep but I pulled her back by her elbow.
"Come over to my place and take a shower. Go get some cloths then come over. My showers a lot nicer then the ones in the trailers." I smiled then let go of her elbow. She nodded then got in her jeep and drove to the lot.
I walked over to my black charger and lowered into it. I sat there just thinking.
Ginny was right this kid has been through a lot. I just feel this pull to be her mother but I'm not I don't know what I'm doing any more! I leaned my head on the rim of my steering wheel before putting the keys in the ignition.
I drove to my house when I spotted a blue jeep I the driveway. Jen. I pulled my car into the driveway and flicked the button to the garage and watched the door creep up enough for me to enter.
I closed my door and walked over to the garage door that led to a small room before the kitchen. I wiggled of my vans and opened the swing door to the kitchen to see that Jen was making chicken fried steaks at my counter.
"Who's all coming over?" I looped my hands around her waist.
"Well Bex, Ginny and them, Colin and his wife, Sean and his little family, Jared, I don't know if Emilee is coming because she didn't answer her phone." She flipped one of the steaks over.
"She is coming over to take a shower the reason she didn't answer is because she was at boxing practice." I went to the fridge and pulled out the strawberrys and set them on the counter. I picked one up and ran it under the cold water in the sink.
"The front door opened and in walked no other than.......

Don don daaannnnn!!!!

Lana Parrilla 27Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon