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"Come on get it on!" Ginny whisper shouted at me. I pulled the mask over my face. I was dressed up as a knight. It was a scene with the Evil Queen and Snow. I pulled my black veil over my face and walked out of the trailer. We walked to the scene and waited. When I saw Lana come over with Jen I wanted to tackle her to the ground in a hug but decided not to. She walked over to us.
"Well who's one of our Knights?" She looked me up and down but I just looked forward.
"HIs name is Jack Ternce." Ginny came to my rescue. Lana looked at Jen who shrugged her shoulders.
"Is he shy? I won't bite. Might poison but that's it." They all gave a hearted laugh except me. Ginny put a hand to the side of her mouth.
"He's a huge fan." They all laughed again. The scene director came over and told us to get into position. I mounted a tan buck skin, that had black armor hanging on it. The scene started to go.

Scenes POV
The Queen was riding her horse through the woods with a hand full of knights when they were cut off by a flying stow that nearly missed her head and struck the tree next to her. She jerked her head in the direction it came to see the precious Snow White with her Prince Charming holding her at arrow point.
"Well well Snow White!" The Queen laughed. Her nights drew there swords except one. The mysterious knight rode right between the Queen and Princess.
The Queen looked like she could tear them all to pieces.   
"What's the meaning of this?" She asked dumbfounded.
Back to Emilees POV
I held my sword up pointed at Lana. She looked to me. Luckily she couldn't see through the mask because I was smirking like no other. The camera came closer. Lana looked to them.
"I'm sorry. Was I not clear?" She looked to me and giving me a hard stare.
"Looks like a rebellion to me Regina!" Ginny notched another arrow. Lana got off her horse so did I. I kept her at swords point. She pressed the tip to her chest.
"Do it knight let's see were that gets you." She held her arms out in a taunting surrender.
"I won't kill you." My voice gruff. She looked confused but held her position.
"And why not? Don't got it in you?" She smiled her forehead vein popping. I held back my laughter.
"Because who would kill there mother?" Ginny asked. Lana looked to her then to me. I held my stance.
"I don't have kids your my step daughter because I married your father." She seethed. Everyone was just smiling at her. She looked back to me studying me. The smile she had, had dropped.  She took the tip of the sword and pointed it to the ground. I let it drop. She walked up to me and ripped the fake heart from under my armpit out. I pretended to be hurt.
"Wouldn't kill your own daughter would you?" Ginny asked stepping foreword.
"This is a man!" She shouted. She gave it small squeeze so I dropped to the ground clutching my chest.
"You sure about that Lana?" Josh asked smirking. Lanas eyes went wide. She looked to me with confusion in her eyes.
"Is this in the scene or?" She looked to the director who just rolled his hand indicating to go with it. She looked back to me and gave it another squeeze. I jerked around.
"I'm sure." She looked at me unsure of what she just said. I stood up. She took a step back in surprise. I picked up my sword and sheathed it. She gave another small squeeze but I didn't  drop.
"Why aren't you dropping?" She gave another squeeze and made it turn to ash.
"Because it isn't my heart." I didn't bother changing my voice. She looked to me and cocked her head. She walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. With her other hand she lifted the helmet off my head. My hair fell to my back. She dropped it in surprise. I grinned at her.
"How?" She looked to everyone the director the camera people the extras Ginny, Josh, everyone. She looked back to me. Our gaze locked. She had hot tears running down her face.
"E-Emilee?" She cupped my face with one hand. I nuzzled my face into her hand. She leaped to me and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her as we both cried.
"That's a wrap!" The director yelled. Everyone came on set in a group hug. We stayed like that laughing and crying. I had Ginny on one side with Josh behind me Jen on the other and everybody else  surrounded us. When everybody backed up Lana slapped me lightly. I pretended to look hurt. She hugged me again. I hugged her back with everyone laughing or awing.
"That's for scaring me. And this is for coming back." She whispered. She moved to my side and had her arm underneath mine. We walked to the costume trailer to change out of these cloths. All the girls followed us. I stepped inside to be greeted by shrieking. The costume and makeup coordinators came rushing up to me and swallowed me into another group hug. We chatted back and forth about me being there and what not. Clair came rushing up to me and helped me out of the costume. Lana took longer because of her corset so I sat there watching them try to undo it. Lana smirked at me.
"You grounded for the rest of your life young lady." She pointed to me.
I crossed my arms and pouted.
"Why?" I whined. Everyone just laughed.
"Because you didn't reply to my letters I thought you were dead and you gave me a heart attack out there." She pointed out the trailer. The door bursts open and in ran Jared.
"Emilee!" He yelled. I stood up and we hugged.
"I heard what you did! I can't wait to watch the video!" He pulled back looking me up and down. I smiled. Just then a huge explosion went off. My instinct came in and I fell to the ground and covered my head. The space fell silent everyone looked to me. Lana had put on her cloths and crouched next to me. She set a hand on my hands.
"Emilee it was a sound effect your safe." I uncovered my head and looked to her. Her eyes told me to stand up. I placed my hands on the floor and slowly lifted myself off the floor.
"Sorry." I half smiled everyone just laughed sadly. After we had gotten everything in order, we took a selfie and posted it: look who I found in my knights! Love you!😘 #evilregal #ouat #motheranddaughter #thalia #regina
I looked to Lana who was smiling at me. We walked hand and hand to her car and drove to her house in silence. We pulled up slowly into her drive way. I pushed open her door and joined her hand at the front of the car. She unlocked the door and walked in. I followed her to the couch after closing the door.
"So how are you here?" She leaned her head against her hand on the back. I sat down bringing a foot up.
"Well I got sent home because only 35 or so people survived an attack on our station."  Her hand flew to her mouth. I looked down at my hands and meshed my slim fingers together.  Lana scooted across the couch and touched my knee. I looked up as she wiped tears away from my face. She smiled weakly. I moved and hugged her. She laid down. We laid there just hugging and silently crying. Not sad or depressed crying. But released crying. We cried because we both thought we would never hold each other again. I cried because I was glad to be alive.
What felt like minutes was really 3 hours there's was a pounding on the door. We both groaned. I lifted myself off her. I walked to the door pausing before I opened it to be meet with the general and a couple scouts. I snapped to attention.
"Can I help you general?" I put my hand by my side.
"May I come in Officer?" She asked dryly. I nodded and moved to the side. The scouts stayed out side at attention as she went in. I closed the door behind her and led her to the kitchen. She sat at a seat.
"Emilee who was-" she stopped mid sentence when she saw who else was in her kitchen. "Oh I'm sorry." She finished walking in and sat next to me.
"You needed something?" I asked looking her dead in the eye.
"Indeed. You are needed again." Lanas head shot up. I looked at her showing no emotion.
"No I just got you back Emilee please don't go." Lana cried.
"When do I leave?" My voice steady. Lana gripped my arm causing me to look at her. Her eyes were a deep brown. Filled with sorrow.
"Tomorrow mourning at the latest." I looked back to the general.
"I'll go." She nodded.
"No! Emilee please no!" She cried harder. I swallowed my tears so they wouldn't fall on my face.
"I have to."


Lana Parrilla 27Where stories live. Discover now