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I was about to start driving to the shooting range. I had gotten directions to it from one of Emilees friends that was here earlier.
"You can take her truck if you want. Unless you can't drive stick." Daniel suggested.
"I can drive it." He nodded and handed me back the keys. All they know is I'm going to go look. I was walking towards her house when a police car pulled up.
"I'm looking for Lana Parrilla?" He wasn't in uniform so I guessed he was off duty.
"Me." He looked me up and down.
"Follow me to the station will you?" I nodded and unlocked her truck. I pulled myself up and started the engine as soon as the door closed. He made a u turn and turned on his siren and lights and sped off turning left. I got it into gear. I followed and turned right onto Main Street. Shifting it up each time it got to shifting level. We sped along cars moving out of the way. When we got to the station I parked in two spaces and barely put it in to park. I pulled the keys out and jumped out. I ran over to him he was already walking in the door. I followed being told to go through the metal detector I had nothing but my phone and the keys so I handed it to them and went through. Clear. I followed him through a door that said authorized personnel only. I followed him down a corridor and stopes out side a room. He opened it and walked in. When I came in he shut it behind me. There was 3 other people in the room. Another police officer, a woman, and Emilee. I rushed over to her and hugged her when she stood up.
"Where the hell have you been! You scared the shit out of me!" I buried my face in her neck.
"Well first I got taken in my sleep then I helped bust a drug deal." Some one cleared their throat. We let go of each other to see the woman was now standing.
"Hi Ms. Parrilla, I'm Kate Norwin.
We are here to discuss something with Emilee but she wanted your consent." I liked over to see Emilee was looking at the floor. What the hell did she do now?

I know short lame. I wanted to update!

Lana Parrilla 27Where stories live. Discover now